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Showing results 121 to 140 of 144 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Performance and analysis of a 4-stroke multi-cylinder gasoline engine with CAI combustionZhao, H; Li, J; Ma, T; Ladommatos, N
2016Performance and economic analysis of a direct injection spark ignition engine fueled with wet ethanolLanzanova, TDM; Dalla Nora, M; Zhao, H
2017Planar laser induced fluorescence imaging and analysis with ethanol blended fuels in a direct injection spark ignition engineLiu, Quan
2016Potential of internal EGR and throttled operation for low load extension of ethanol-diesel dual-fuel reactivity controlled compression ignition combustion on a heavy-duty enginePedrozo, VB; May, I; Lanzanova, TDM; Zhao, H
2024Research and development of combustion engines with sustainable and zero-carbon fuelsMohamed, Mohamed Ali Saad Hussein
2001Research and development of Controlled Auto-Ignition (CAI) combustion in a 4-stroke multi-cylinder gasoline engineLi, J; Zhao, H; Ladommatos, N; Ma, T
2019Research of fuel injection and combustion control for maximum fuel efficiency and minimum emissions in a heavy-duty diesel engineGuan, Wei
20-Dec-2021Research on experimental design method of engine system based on D-optimal designYang, BC; Chen, T; Feng, YF; Shi, H; Zhao, H
2017Road bumps for electric carsLeach, F; Akehurst, S; Brace, C; Busch, IH; Cairns, A; Davy, M; Gavaises, M; Heikal, M; Linne, M; Shayler, P; Stone, R; Taylor, A; Turner, J; Wyszynski, M; Xu, H; Zhao, H
19-Oct-2019Simulation of char-pellet combustion and sodium release inside porous char using lattice Boltzmann methodLiu, YZ; Xia, J; Wan, KD; Vervisch, L; Wang, ZH; Zhao, H; Cen, KF
2003Simultaneous measurement of the B-0 meson lifetime and mixing frequency with B-0 -> D(*-)l(+)v(l) decaysAubert, B; Barate, R; Boutigny, D; Gaillard, JM; Hicheur, A; Karyotakis, Y; Lees, JP; Robbe, P; Tisserand, V; Zghiche, A; Palano, A; Gaidot, A; Romosan, A; Giraud, PF; de Monchenault, GH; Kozanecki, W; Sanders, P; Langer, M; London, GW; Seiden, A; Nicholson, H; Bucci, F; Abrams, GS; Mayer, B; Schott, G; Serfass, B; Vasseur, G; Yeche, C; Ronan, MT; Taylor, GP; Zito, M; Purohit, MV; Calderini, G; Muheim, F; Yumiceva, FX; Weidemann, AW; Baldini-Ferroli, R; Turri, M; Abe, K; Aston, D; Bartoldus, R; Berger, N; Back, JJ; Campagna, E; Boyarski, AM; George, M; Buchmueller, OL; Shelkov, VG; Convery, MR; Coupal, DP; Calcaterra, A; Dong, D; Walkowiak, W; Dorfan, J; Carpinelli, M; Dunwoodie, W; Gill, MS; Kerth, LT; Field, RC; Glanzman, T; Gowdy, S; Grauges-Pous, E; Hadig, T; Telnov, AV; de Sangro, R; Forti, F; Halyo, V; Himel, T; Williams, DC; Cartaro, C; Bellodi, G; Hryn'ova, T; Huffer, ME; Innes, WR; Jessop, C; Kelsey, MH; Borean, C; Kim, P; Kocian, ML; Falciai, D; Langenegger, U; Cavallo, N; Wenzel, WA; Dixon, P; Leith, DWGS; Qi, ND; Luitz, S; Giorgi, MA; Luth, V; Lynch, HL; Marsiske, H; Menke, S; Messner, R; De Nardo, G; Finocchiaro, G; Muller, DR; Thiebaux, C; O'Grady, CP; Lusiani, A; Ozcan, VE; Harrison, TJ; Wilson, MG; Perazzo, A; Perl, M; Petrak, S; Fabozzi, F; Ratcliff, BN; Robertson, SH; Patteri, P; Mir, LM; Dahmes, B; Roodman, A; Salnikov, AA; Schietinger, T; Schindler, RH; Schwiening, J; Albert, J; Gatto, C; Hawkes, CM; Simi, G; Dauncey, PD; Snyder, A; Soha, A; Harrison, PF; Peruzzi, IM; Stelzer, J; Su, D; Sullivan, MK; Tanaka, HA; Lista, L; Va'vra, J; Kroeger, R; Wagner, SR; Chen, E; Weaver, M; Knowles, DJ; Shorthouse, HW; Weinstein, AJR; Piccolo, M; Wisniewski, WJ; Wright, DH; Richman, JD; Heusch, CA; Young, CC; Burchat, PR; Cheng, CH; Meyer, TI; Roat, C; Dubois-Felsmann, GP; Strother, P; Bugg, W; Krishnamurthy, M; Zallo, A; Marchiori, G; Paolucci, P; O'Neale, SW; Spanier, SM; Izen, JM; Kitayama, I; Lou, XC; Bianchi, F; Bona, M; Vidal, PB; Gamba, D; Martinez-Vidal, F; Dvoretskii, A; Piccolo, D; Bosisio, L; Paar, HP; Della Ricca, G; Dittongo, S; Penny, RC; Lanceri, L; Poropat, P; Vitale, L; Morganti, M; Cowan, G; Vuagnin, G; Kay, M; Henderson, R; Panvini, RS; Hitlin, DG; Bagnasco, S; Banerjee, S; Brown, CM; Fortin, D; Neri, N; Jackson, PD; Watson, AT; Flaecher, HU; Stugu, B; Kowalewski, R; Roney, JM; Band, HR; Dasu, S; Datta, M; Borgland, AW; Paoloni, E; Narsky, I; Eichenbaum, AM; Hu, H; Johnson, JR; Sciacca, C; George, S; Liu, R; Di Lodovico, F; Watson, NK; Mohapatra, AK; Rama, M; Pan, Y; Prepost, R; Buzzo, A; Sekula, SJ; Porter, FC; LoSecco, JM; von Wimmersperg-Toeller, JH; Green, MG; Wu, J; Wu, SL; Bozzi, C; Yu, Z; Neal, H; BABAR Collaboration; Deppermann, T; Goetzen, K; Contri, R; Kolomensky, YG; Koch, H; Lewandowski, B; Gritsan, AV; Rizzo, G; Ryd, A; Pelizaeus, M; Peters, K; Schmuecker, H; Steinke, M; Barlow, NR; Bhimji, W; Alsmiller, JRG; Boyd, JT; Crosetti, G; Sandrelli, F; Chevalier, N; Vasileiadis, G; Clark, PJ; Cottingham, WN; Samuel, A; Mackay, C; Wilson, FF; Hearty, C; Gabriel, TA; Mattison, TS; Reidy, J; McKenna, JA; Thiessen, D; Lo Vetere, M; Kurup, A; Jolly, S; Kyberd, P; McKemey, AK; Blinov, VE; Rong, G; Brau, B; Campagnari, C; Bukin, AD; Buzykaev, AR; Golubev, VB; Ivanchenko, VN; Korol, AA; Pompili, A; Macri, M; Kravchenko, EA; Onuchin, AP; Serednyakov, SI; Triggiani, G; Brau, J; Skovpen, YI; Yushkov, AN; Yang, S; Best, D; Chao, M; Kirkby, D; Marker, CE; Lankford, AJ; Monge, MR; Walsh, J; Mandelkern, M; Frey, R; McMahon, S; Mommsen, RK; Stoker, DP; Buchanan, C; Hadavand, HK; Jayatilleke, S; Mancinelli, G; McMahon, TR; Lockman, WS; Meadows, BT; Sokoloff, MD; Verkerke, W; Passaggio, S; Barillari, T; Blanc, F; Bloom, P; Ford, WT; Nauenberg, U; Wang, P; Oddone, PJ; Olivas, A; Ricciardi, S; Rankin, P; Payne, DJ; Roy, J; Smith, JG; Pastore, FC; van Hoek, WC; Zhang, L; Harton, JL; Haire, M; Hu, T; Soffer, A; Toki, WH; Salvatore, F; Iwasaki, M; Zhu, YS; Wilson, RJ; Zhang, J; Altenburg, D; Rahatlou, S; Judd, D; Brandt, T; Brose, J; Colberg, T; Dickopp, M; Dubitzky, RS; Hill, EJ; Vaitsas, G; Hauke, A; Maly, E; Eigen, G; Paick, K; Muller-Pfefferkorn, R; Nogowski, R; Patrignani, C; Otto, S; Schubert, KR; Schwierz, R; Potter, CT; Spaan, B; Winter, MA; Wilden, L; Turnbull, L; Bernard, D; Bonneaud, GR; Brochard, F; Ofte, I; Cohen-Tanugi, J; Robutti, E; Breon, AB; Sinev, NB; Santroni, A; Tosi, S; Piemontese, L; Brown, D; Bailey, S; Morii, M; Grenier, GJ; Mallik, U; Cochran, J; Raven, G; Crawley, HB; Strom, D; Lamsa, J; Sanders, DA; Meyer, WT; Brown, DN; Davis, CL; Prell, S; Rosenberg, EI; Yi, J; Davier, M; Grosdidier, G; Hocker, A; Torrence, E; Wagoner, DE; Schwanke, U; Lacker, HM; Laplace, S; Le Diberder, F; Verderi, M; Lepeltier, V; Button-Shafer, J; Lutz, AM; Petersen, TC; Plaszczynski, S; T'Jampens, S; Kral, JF; Schune, MH; Tantot, L; Sharma, V; Wormser, G; Bionta, RM; Allison, J; Brigljevic, V; Lange, D; van Bibber, K; Danielson, N; Cahn, RN; Colecchia, F; Wright, DM; Bevan, AJ; Fry, JR; Gabathuler, E; Berryhill, JW; Gamet, R; Groysman, Y; Kuznetsova, N; Elmer, P; Barlow, RJ; Forti, AC; Dorigo, A; Hart, PA; Jackson, F; Lafferty, GD; Lyon, AJ; Savvas, N; Anjomshoaa, A; Weatherall, JH; Lu, C; Williams, JC; Farbin, A; Levy, SL; Galeazzi, F; Jacobsen, RG; Jawahery, A; Lillard, V; Roberts, DA; Blaylock, G; Dallapiccola, C; Miftakov, V; Bernet, R; Flood, K; Hertzbach, SS; Kofler, R; Sloane, RJ; Koptchev, VB; Long, O; Moore, TB; Kadel, RW; Staengle, H; Pulliam, T; Willocq, S; Cowan, R; Khan, A; Sciolla, G; Taylor, F; Margoni, M; Yamamoto, RK; Milek, M; Patel, PM; Lu, A; Olsen, J; Palombo, F; Bauer, JM; Kadyk, J; Cremaldi, L; Lavin, D; Eschenburg, V; Beringer, J; Playfer, S; Morandin, M; Posocco, M; Orimoto, TJ; Rotondo, M; Simonetto, F; Stroili, R; Tiozzo, G; LeClerc, C; Touramanis, C; Voci, C; Benayoun, M; Briand, H; Swain, JE; Smith, AJS; Eisner, AM; Chauveau, J; David, P; de la Vaissiere, C; Del Buono, L; Hamon, O; Charles, E; Leruste, P; Ocariz, J; Levi, ME; Summers, DJ; Pivk, M; Tinslay, J; Roos, L; Grothe, M; Stark, J; Manfredi, PF; Re, V; Aspinwall, ML; Speziali, V; Gladney, L; Tumanov, A; Guo, QH; Panetta, J; Angelini, C; Falbo, M; Lynch, G; Batignani, G; Chen, JC; Bettarini, S; Bowerman, DA; Bondioli, M; Sarti, A; Egede, U; Varnes, EW; Bellini, F; Cavoto, G; del Re, D; Faccini, R; Ferrarotto, F; Schalk, T; Zhao, H; Ferroni, F; Gaspero, M; Pripstein, M; Eschrich, I; Treadwell, E; Leonardi, E; Mazzoni, MA; Morganti, S; Piredda, G; Tehrani, FS; Mazur, MA; Serra, M; Voena, C; Schmitz, RE; Christ, S; Morton, GW; Wagner, G; Anulli, F; Waldi, R; Roe, NA; Adye, T; Hast, C; De Groot, N; Franek, B; Geddes, NI; Gopal, GP; Olaiya, EO; Nash, JA; Schumm, BA; Xella, SM; MacFarlane, DB; Aleksan, R; Taras, P; Emery, S
2007Spontaneous Raman scattering for simultaneous measurements of in-cylinder speciesZhao, H; Zhang, S
2013Studies on SI engine simulation and air/fuel ratio control systems designBai, Yang
2014A study of flame development with isooctane alcohol blended fuels in a optical spark ignition engineMoxey, Benjamin
2018A study of pre-ignition and knock in an optical spark ignition engineVafamehr, Hassan
2019A study of turbulent jet ignition combustion in an optical research engine with alternative fuelsBureshaid, Khalifa
2016Theoretical and experimental investigation of a novel hydraulically assisted turbocharger system for future automotive applicationsJustus, Jack
6-Jun-2023Towards joint communication and sensingCosmas, J; Ali, K; Araújo, M; Béchadergue, B; Chen, H; Dupleich, DA; Eappen, G; Keskin, MF; Goodarzi, M; Guo, H; Koffman, I; Lindberg, S; Mahbas, A; Mendes, B; Meunier, B; Taghavi, EM; Ramirez, A; Sark, V; Schindhelm, K; Svensson, T; Van der Perre, L; Wilding, T; Wymeersch, H; Yajnanarayana, V; Zhang, X; Zhao, H
2019Towards lattice Boltzmann simulation of flow dynamics inside a model fuel injector: a first-stage studyLuo, TP; Zhang, JX; Xia, J; Liu, YW; Liu, RM; Yang, SF; Zhao, H
13-May-2021A two-phase dynamic contagion model for COVID-19Chen, Z; Dassios, A; Kuan, V; Lim, JW; Qu, Y; Surya, B; Zhao, H