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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Assessing the carcinogenic potential of low-dose exposures to chemical mixtures in the environment: the challenge ahead.Goodson, WH; Lowe, L; Carpenter, DO; Gilbertson, M; Manaf Ali, A; Lopez de Cerain Salsamendi, A; Lasfar, A; Carnero, A; Azqueta, A; Amedei, A; Charles, AK; Andrade-Vieira, R; Salzberg, AC; Sinha, RK; Mehta, R; Vento, R; Koch, DC; Di Fiore, R; Ponce-Cusi, R; Dornetshuber-Fleiss, R; Nahta, R; Darroudi, F; Castellino, RC; Palorini, R; Abd Hamid, R; Colacci, A; Langie, SA; Eltom, S; Carlin, DJ; Brooks, SA; Ryeom, S; Wise, SS; Martin, FL; Bay, SN; Harris, SA; Papagerakis, S; Romano, S; Pavanello, S; Olsen, AK; Eriksson, S; Felsher, DW; Forte, S; Casey, SC; Van Schooten, FJ; Luanpitpong, S; Lee, TJ; Otsuki, T; Chen, T; Massfelder, T; Sanderson, T; Guarnieri, T; Berg, A; Roy, D; Hultman, T; Goldberg, GS; Dormoy, V; Odero-Marah, V; Sabbisetti, V; Maguer-Satta, V; Rathmell, WK; Engström, W; Decker, WK; Bisson, WH; Rojanasakul, Y; Brown, DG; Wagemaker, G; Barclay, BJ; Luqmani, Y; Chen, Z; Hu, Z; Zhou, BP; Blanco-Aparicio, C; Baglole, CJ; Dong, C; Mondello, C; Hsu, CW; Lleonart, M; Ratovitski, E; Naus, CC; Yedjou, C; Curran, CS; Ryan, EP; Corsini, E; Rojas, E; Manjili, MH; Moon, EY; Laconi, E; Nangami, G; Marongiu, F; Al-Mulla, F; Chiaradonna, F; Calaf, GM; Williams, G; Wolf, GT; Vadgama, P; Koppen, G; Brunborg, G; Kim Lyerly, H; Krishnan, H; Ab Hamid, H; Yasaei, H; Xia, M; Sone, H; Kondoh, H; Salem, HK; Marignani, PA; Hsu, HY; Park, HH; Koturbash, I; Miousse, IR; Scovassi, AI; Klaunig, JE; Vondráček, J; Gonzalez, MJ; Raju, J; Roman, J; Ghosh, PM; Wise, JP; Whitfield, JR; Woodrick, J; Christopher, JA; Ochieng, J; Martinez-Leal, JF; Weisz, J; Kravchenko, J; Karamouzis, MV; Sun, J; Ostrosky-Wegman, P; Prudhomme, KR; Narayanan, KB; Cohen-Solal, KA; Moorwood, K; Gonzalez, L; Soucek, L; Jian, L; D'Abronzo, LS; Lin, LT; Kirsch-Volders, M; Thompson, P; Li, L; Gulliver, L; McCawley, LJ; Memeo, L; Vermeulen, L; Leyns, L; Zhang, L; Valverde, M; Khatami, M; Romano, MF; Ward, A; Vaccari, M; Chapellier, M; Williams, MA; Wade, M; Kuemmerle, NB; Singh, N; Cruickshanks, N; Collins, AR; Kleinstreuer, N; van Larebeke, N; Dent, P; Ahmed, N; Ogunkua, O; Krishnakumar, PK; Heneberg, P; Darbre, P; Sing Leung, P; Laird, DW; Nangia-Makker, P; Cheng, QS; Robey, RB; Al-Temaimi, R; Roy, R
2009Clusterin, a haploinsufficient tumor suppressor gene in neuroblastomasChakya, O; Corvetta, D; Dews, M; Caccamo, AE; Piotrowska, I; Santilli, G; Gibson, S; Sebire, NJ; Himoudi, N; Hogarty, MD; Anderson, J; Bettuzzi, S; Thomas-Tikhonenko, A; Sala, A
2010The EORTC QLQ-SWB36 spiritual wellbeing measure for palliative care patients with cancer: development to date and findings from UK pilot-testingVivat, B; Health Studies and Community Health Division Seminar Series
2014Estimating the returns to UK publicly funded cancer-related research in terms of the net value of improved health outcomesBuxton, M; Guthrie, S; Hanney, SR; Pollitt, A; Grant, J
2014Estimating the returns to UK publicly funded cancer-related research in terms of the net value of improved health outcomesGlover, M; Buxton, M; Guthrie, S; Hanney, S; Pollitt, A; Grant, J
2013Evaluating the efficacy of DNA repair biomarkers to assess human cell response to chemotherapy using imaging flow cytometryZahir, Sheba Adam
2008Evidence of a tumour suppressive function E2F1 gene in human breast cancerNewbold, RF; Worku, D; Jouhra, F; Jiang, GW; Patani, N; Mokbel, K
2014HLXB9 gene expression, and nuclear location during in vitro neuronal differentiation in the SK-N-BE neuroblastoma cell lineLeotta, CG; Federico, C; Brundo, MV; Tosi, S; Saccone, S
2021Human Surfactant Protein D as an Innate Immune Surveillance MoleculeMurugaiah, Valarmathy
8-Nov-2017Identification of novel cancer biomarkers of prognostic value using specific gene regulatory networks (GRN): a novel role of RAD51AP1 for ovarian and lung cancersChudasama, D; Bo, V; Hall, M; Anikin, V; Jeyaneethi, J; Gregory, J; Pados, G; Tucker, A; Harvey, A; Pink, R; Karteris, E
2008Images of resistance: A photonarrative enquiry into the meanings of personal artwork for people living with cancerReynolds, F; Lim, KH; Prior, S
2016Involvement of the matrix proteins SPARC and osteopontin in the dynamic interaction between tumour and host cellsJassim, Amir
2011Iron oxide nanoparticles and derivatives for biomedical imaging and application in cancer diagnosis and siRNA therapyYigit, MV; Medarova, Z; 3rd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2011)
4-Apr-2016Linking apoptosis to cancer metabolism: Another missing piece of JuNK.Papa, S; Bubici, C
2015Mapping Functions in Health-Related Quality of Life: Mapping From Two Cancer-Specific Health-Related Quality-of-Life Instruments to EQ-5D-3L.Young, TA; Mukuria, C; Rowen, D; Brazier, JE; Longworth, L
2009Mathematical modelling of nanoparticle delivery to vascular tumoursShipley, RJ; Webb, SD; Waters, SL; McDougall, SR; Roberts, F; 2nd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2009)
2018Measuring research impact: A large cancer research funding programme in AustraliaBowden, J; Sargent, N; Wesslingh, S; Size, L; Donovan, C; Miller, C
2014MicroRNA sensorsMedarova, Z; 4th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2014)
2004The mRNA expression of hTERT in human breast carcinomas correlates with VEGF expressionKirkpatrick, KL; Newbold, RF; Mokbel, K
19-May-2017PARK2 loss promotes cancer progression via redox-mediated inactivation of PTENGupta, A; Anjomani-Virmouni, S; Koundouros, N; Poulogiannis, G