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dc.contributor.advisorVilches, A-
dc.contributor.advisorSong, W-
dc.contributor.advisorIvanov, A-
dc.contributor.authorBunga, Santos-
dc.descriptionThis thesis was submitted for the award of Doctor of Philosophy and was awarded by Brunel University Londonen_US
dc.description.abstractThe design and implementation of self-powered, low power implant microcontroller, with wireless data transmitter system that captures data as subcutaneous bio-sensing platform has been achieved with glucose fuel cell (GFC) energy harvesting power solution. Data transfer is unidirectional, implant to reader and is initiated by a single transmission from the external reader. The implant's memory contents are transmitted as a stream of wireless pulses to the reader. This work explored two different approaches on current technologies used for designing self-powered bio medical devices (BMDs) and active implantable medical devices (IMDs), their processing, sampling data, transmission of data and energy hasting powering techniques with a view to identifying state-of-the art technologies and methods to improve the long-term powering and recharging of IMDs via a highly safe, efficient and convenient way. The designed low power implant microcontroller, with wireless data transmitter system combines glucose energy harvesting technique by using materials with efficient catalyst capabilities based on platinum nanoparticles supported on Vulcan carbon cloth (PtVCC) as a cathode electrode for GFC configuration, while plain Platinum (Pt) mesh/sheet acted as anode. The PtVCC and Pt electro-reaction, catalytic activities and stability resulted in a design of a direct GFC with high output voltage and current, >0.4V and >300μA respectively per cell, and increased this voltage to value >4V, to power the implant system, by using a voltage booster; direct current to direct current (DC-DC) converter circuit, and a rechargeable battery. The innovative self-powered bio-sensing platform integrating GFC design, meets the self-powered IMDs expectations in terms of simplified fabrication and materials that allows one-compartment design that can directly be placed on the surface of medical implant to provide sufficient output power boosted by DC-DC converter to produced higher output voltage ten times greater than the input value, enough to power most efficient electronic devices. This research therefore proposes the practicability and potential of designing and implementing a wireless bio sensor system powered by an energy harvesting solution, based on GFC to produce a proof-of-concept design system and integration, including power management and data communication (sampling and transmission) platform suitable for self-low-powered periodically-activated IMD.en_US
dc.publisherBrunel University Londonen_US
dc.subjectWireless IMD with glucose energy harvesting fuel cellen_US
dc.subjectDirect glucose fuel cell based IMDen_US
dc.subjectLow power externally triggered bio-implant transmitteren_US
dc.titleSelf-powered bio-sensing platform with glucose energy harvesting fuel cellen_US
Appears in Collections:Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Theses

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