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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Lumbar tactile acuity is near identical between sides in healthy pain-free participantsWand, BM; Catley, MJ; Luomajoki, HA; O'Sullivan, KJ; Di Pietro, F; O'Connell, NE; Moseley, GL
2014Lumbar tactile acuity is near identical between sides in healthy pain-free participantsWand, BM; Catley, MJ; Luomajoki, HA; O'Sullivan, KJ; Di Pietro, F; O'Connell, NE; Moseley, GL
2014Assessing self-perception in patients with chronic low back pain: Development of a back-specific body-perception questionnaireWand, BM; James, M; Abbaszadeh, S; George, PJ; Formby, PM; Smith, AJ; O'Connell, NE
2010Tactile thresholds are preserved yet complex sensory function is impaired over the lumbar spine of chronic non-specific low back pain patients. A preliminary investigationWand, BM; Di Pietro, FS; George, PJ; O'Connell, NE