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Showing results 2630 to 2649 of 27877 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Cathodoluminescence studies of phosphors in a scanning electron microscopeHarris, P; Den engelsen, D; Ireland, T; Fern, G; Silver, J
2015Cathodoluminescent images and spectra of single crystals of Y2O2S:Tb3+ and Gd2O2S:Tb3+ nanometer sized phosphor crystals excited in a field emission scanning transmission electron microscopeSilver, J; Yan, X; Fern, GR; Wilkinson, N
1982The cauchy and backward-cauchy problem for a nonlinearly hyperelastic/viscoelastic infinite rodSaxton, R
18-Dec-2020Causal Modelling for Predicting Machine Tools Degradation in High Speed Production ProcessAngadi, V; Mousavi, A; Bartolome, D; Tellarini, M; Fazziani, M
28-Dec-2021Cause-Related Marketing and Ethnocentrism: The Moderating Effects of Geographic Scope and Perceived Economic ThreatBoulouta, I; Manika, D
2019Cause-related marketing: Led corporate social responsibility in international business-to-business markets: the contingent roles of host-country sustainable developmentLiu, G; Wu, M-S; Ko, WW; Chen, C-HS; Chen, Y
7-Oct-2021The causes of risk in fuel supply chains and their role in energy securityAxon, CJ; Darton, RC
7-Jun-2024A cavitation enabled green leaching of metals from spent lithium-ion batteriesOkonkwo, EG; Wheatley, G; Liu, Y; He, Y
2017Cavitation erosion behaviour of commercial steel grades used in the design of fluid-machineryTzanakis, I; Bolzoni, L; Eskin, D; Hadfield, M
2021Cavitation in Thermoplastic Melts: New Insights into Ultrasound-Assisted Fibre-ImpregnationTzanakis, I; Khavari, M; Titze, M; Eskin, D
14-Feb-2023Cavitation-induced shock wave behaviour in different liquidsKhavari, M; Priyadarshi, A; Morton, J; Porfyrakis, K; Pericleous, K; Eskin, D; Tzanakis, I
18-Apr-2022CBASH: Combined Backbone and Advanced Selection Heads with Object Semantic Proposals for Weakly Supervised Object DetectionXia, R; Li, G; Huang, Z; Meng, H; Pang, Y
13-Dec-2023The CBC theory and its entailments : Why current models of the origin of consciousness failReber, AS; Miller, WB; Slijepčević, P; Baluška, F
26-Mar-2022The CBI-R detects early behavioural impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementiaNelson, A; Russell, LL; Peakman, G; Convery, RS; Bouzigues, A; Greaves, CV; Bocchetta, M; Cash, DM; van Swieten, JC; Jiskoot, L; Moreno, F; Leitão, MJ; Lladó, A; Lombardi, G; Loosli, S; Maruta, C; Mead, S; Meeter, L; Miltenberger, G; van Minkelen, R; Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI); Sanchez-Valle, R; Laforce, R; Graff, C; Masellis, M; Tartaglia, MC; Rowe, JB; Borroni, B; Finger, E; Synofzik, M; Galimberti, D; Vandenberghe, R; de Mendonça, A; Butler, CR; Gerhard, A; Ducharme, S; Le Ber, I; Santana, I; Pasquier, F; Levin, J; Otto, M; Sorbi, S; Rohrer, JD; Afonso, S; Almeida, MR; Anderl-Straub, S; Andersson, C; Antonell, A; Archetti, S; Arighi, A; Balasa, M; Barandiaran, M; Bargalló, N; Bartha, R; Bender, B; Benussi, A; Bertoux, M; Bertrand, A; Bessi, V; Black, S; Borrego-Ecija, S; Bras, J; Brice, A; Bruffaerts, R; Camuzat, A; Cañada, M; Cantoni, V; Caroppo, P; Cash, D; Castelo-Branco, M; Colliot, O; Cope, T; Deramecourt, V; de Arriba, M; Di Fede, G; Díez, A; Duro, D; Fenoglio, C; Ferrari, C; Ferreira, CB; Fox, N; Freedman, M; Fumagalli, G; Funkiewiez, A; Gabilondo, A; Gasparotti, R; Gauthier, S; Gazzina, S; Giaccone, G; Gorostidi, A; Greaves, C; Guerreiro, R; Heller, C; Hoegen, T; Indakoetxea, B; Jelic, V; Karnath, HO; Keren, R; Kuchcinski, G; Langheinrich, T; Lebouvier, T
25-Jan-2023CCDC86 is a novel Ki-67-interacting protein important for cell divisionStamatiou, K; Chmielewska, A; Ohta, S; Earnshaw, WC; Vagnarelli, P
2003CD4+CD25+ TR cells suppress innate immune pathology through cytokine-dependent mechanismsMaloy, KJ; Salaun, L; Cahill, R; Dougan, G; Saunders, NJ; Powrie, F
12-Sep-2005Cdc42 and Par6–PKCζ regulate the spatially localized association of Dlg1 and APC to control cell polarizationEtienne-Manneville, S; Manneville, J-B; Nicholls, S; Ferenczi, MA; Hall, A
2009The Cdc42 effectors Ste20, Cla4, and Skm1 down-regulate the expression of genes involved in sterol uptake by a mitogen-activated protein kinase-independent pathwayUnden, H; Jacquier, N; Schneiter, R; Just, U; Höfken, T
23-Dec-2017CDK1 and PLK1 co-ordinate the disassembly and re-assembly of the Nuclear Envelope in vertebrate mitosisCastro, IJ; Sales Gil, R; Ligammari, L; Di Giacinto, ML; Vagnarelli, P
9-Feb-2022Celebrating the 10<sup>th</sup> simulation workshop: The story of the conference seriesRobinson, S; Taylor, SJE