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Title: Novel multi-zone self-heated composites tool for out-of-autoclave aerospace components manufacturing
Authors: Jayasree, N
Omairey, S
Kazilas, M
Keywords: composites;heat transfer;thermal performance;self-heated;multi-zone
Issue Date: 7-Oct-2020
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
Citation: Jayasree, N. Omairey , S. and Kazilas, M. (2020) 'Novel multi-zone self-heated composites tool for out-of-autoclave aerospace components manufacturing', Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 27 (1), pp. 325 - 334. doi: 10.1515/secm-2020-0033.
Abstract: © 2020 N. Jayasree et al. In this paper, a multi-zone self-heating composite tool is developed to manufacture out-of-autoclave complex and high-quality business jet lower wing stiffened composite panel. Autoclave manufacturing is regarded as a benchmark for manufacturing aerospace-grade composite parts. However, high accruing operational costs limit production rates thereby not being practical for smaller-scale companies. Therefore, significant work towards developing out-of-autoclave manufacturing is underway. In this study, a production line tool is developed with embedded heating fabric that controls temperature at the desired zones, replacing the need for autoclave cure. It investigates and identifies the optimal design parameters of the self-heating setup namely the placement of the heating fabric, zones, thermal management system, temperature distribution, heating rate and thermal performance using a thermal FEA model. The associated thermal characterisation of the tooling material and the part are measured for accurate simulation results. The design developed in this study will be used as production guideline for the actual tool.
ISSN: 0792-1233
Appears in Collections:Dept of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Research Papers

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