Browsing by Author Jouhara, H
Showing results 164 to 169 of 169
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
18-Mar-2019 | Waste Heat Recovery in the EU industry and proposed new technologies | Agathokleous, R; Bianchi, G; Panayiotou, G; Arestia, L; Argyrou, MC; Georgiou, GS; Tassou, S; Jouhara, H; Kalogirou, SA; Florides, GA; Christodoulides, P |
17-Dec-2022 | Waste heat recovery solution based on a heat pipe heat exchanger for the aluminium die casting industry | Jouhara, H; Nieto, N; Egilegor, B; Zuazua, J; González, E; Yebra, I; Igesias, A; Delpech, B; Almahmoud, S; Brough, D; Malinauskaite, J; Vlasopoulos, A; Hill, M; Axcell, B |
2018 | Waste Heat Recovery Technologies and Applications | Jouhara, H; Khordehgah, N; Almahmoud, S; Delpech, B; Chauhan, A; Tassou, S |
- | Waste prevention and technologies in the context of the EU Waste Framework Directive: lost in translation? | Malinauskaite, J; Jouhara, H; Spencer, N |
18-Aug-2020 | Waste tyre pyrolysis – impact of the process and its products on the environment | Czajczyńska, D; Czajka, K; Krzyżyńska, R; Jouhara, H |
23-Dec-2024 | Wastewater Reuse in the EU and Southern European Countries: Policies, Barriers and Good Practices | Malinauskaite, J; Delpech, B; Montorsi, L; Venturelli, M; Gernjak, W; Abily, M; Stepišnik Perdih, T; Nyktari, E; Jouhara, H |