Browsing by Author Smith, M

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Showing results 11 to 12 of 12 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2-Jan-2024Snakebite prevalence and risk factors in a nomadic population in Samburu County, Kenya: A community-based surveyTianyii, FL; Oluoch, GO; Otundo, D; Ofwete, R; Ngari, C; Trelfa, A; Ahmed, S; Wang, D; Smith, M; Meta, V; Casewell, NR; Lalloo, DG; Harrison, RA; Stienstra, Y
5-May-2024Solute micro-segregation profile and associated precipitation in cast Al-Mg-Si alloyBendo, A; Fellowes, J; Smith, M; Moshtaghi, M; Jin, Z; Matsuda, K; Fan, Z; Zhou, X