Browsing by Author Özbilgin, M

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Mar-2023Afet Yönetiminde Sorumluluğun Yeniden İnşası: Deprem, Sosyal Dramalar, Sosyal PolitikalarÖzbilgin, M; Erbil, C; Şimşek Demirbağ, K; Demirbağ, O; Tanriverdi, V
2015Between a rock and a hard place: corporate elites in the context of religion and secularism in TurkeyYamak, S; Ergur, A; Ünsal, A; Uygur, S; Özbilgin, M
2014A bourdieuan relational perspective for entrepreneurship researchTatli, A; Vassilopoulou, J; Özbilgin, M; Forson, C; Slutskaya, N
2016The challenges facing women entrepreneurs: a study on gulf cooperation council (GCC) countriesTaqi, Najma
27-Jan-2023Challenging the assumptions of social entrepreneurship education and repositioning it for the future: wonders of cultural, social, symbolic and economic capitalsKaratas-Ozkan, M; Ibrahim, S; Özbilgin, M; Fayolle, A; Manville, G; Nicolopoulou, K; Tatli, A; Tunalioglu, M
18-Apr-2024Covert allyship: Implementing LGBT policies in an adversarial contextRöell, C; Özbilgin, M; Arndt, F
2-Aug-2021Debate: Accounting for gender diversity in global value chainsÖzbilgin, M
22-Jul-2019Discrimination of Muslim minorities at work in Muslim majority countries: the case of Turkey and PakistanUygur, S; Aydin, E; Özbilgin, M; Syed, J
4-Jun-2024Does voluntarism work for the workplace inclusion of individuals with disabilities in a country with limited equality structures?Palalar Alkan, D; Kamasak, R; Özbilgin, M
28-Sep-2024Don't judge a leader by their reluctanceMoraligil, B; Aycan, Z; Özbilgin, M; Erbil, C
2016Editorial: equality, diversity and inclusion in accountingKyriakidou, O; Kyriacou, O; Özbilgin, M; Dedoulis, E
13-Nov-2020The effectiveness of mobile-assisted language learning (MALL): A review of the extant literatureKamasak, R; Özbilgin, M; Atay, D; Kar, A
2016Four approaches to accounting for diversity in global organisationsÖzbilgin, M; Tatli, A; Ipek, G; Sameer, M
21-Sep-2022Guest editorial: Crossing boundaries and strengthening social connections through improved professional integration of immigrantsSaba, T; Vassilopoulou, J; Ng, E; Özbilgin, M
26-Jun-2020The high stakes use of language proficiency tests as illusio and pyramid scheme: An evaluation of their social aspects, validity, and reliabilityKamasak, R; Özbilgin, M; Esmen, AR
25-Nov-2022How do compulsory citizenship behaviors affect moral disengagement in organizations? Significance of anger toward the organization during the COVID-19 pandemicYildiz, B; Yildiz, H; Özbilgin, M
16-May-2023How is the illusio of gender equality in entrepreneurship sustained? A Bourdieusian PerspectiveMeliou, E; Özbilgin, M
28-Jul-2022How Social Structures Influence the Labour Market Participation of Individuals with Mental Illness: A Bourdieusian PerspectiveHennekam, S; Richard, S; Özbilgin, M
14-Feb-2023LGBT+ in the boardroom: a rainbow agenda for changeÖzbilgin, M; Erbil, C
30-Jul-2024Misrecognition and labor market inclusion of refugee mothersMaj, J; Hamza-Orlinska, A; Sytnik, I; Stopochkin, A; Özbilgin, M