Browsing by Author Barnett, A

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Book Review: Domestic violence law and practiceBarnett, A
2014Contact at all costs? Domestic violence and children's welfareBarnett, A
2020Domestic abuse and private law children casesBarnett, A
2018EDITORIAL and RESEARCH ARTICLE Introduction: Contact and domestic abuseBarnett, A; Hunter, R; Kaganas, F
5-Jul-2022Executive Function in Children with and without DCDJoyce, T; Stuart, N; Vanzan, S; Barnett, A
3-Dec-2021Experiences of Parental Alienation InterventionsBarnett, A; Riley, A; 'Katherine'
1-Mar-2020Exploration, Explanation, and Parent–Child Interaction in MuseumsCallanan, MA; Legare, CH; Sobel, DM; Jaeger, GJ; Letourneau, S; McHugh, SR; Willard, A; Brinkman, A; Finiasz, Z; Rubio, E; Barnett, A; Gose, R; Martin, JL; Meisner, R; Watson, J
2017Family law without lawyers - A systems theory perspectiveBarnett, A
2019A genealogy of hostility: parental alienation in England and WalesBarnett, A
1-Dec-2017'Greater than the mere sum of its parts': coercive control and the question of proofBarnett, A
1-Feb-2024Health-related experiences of family court and domestic abuse in England: A looming public health crisisDalgarno, E; Ayeb-Karlsson, S; Bramwell, D; Barnett, A; Verma, A
2018Introduction: Contact and domestic abuseKaganas, FR; Barnett, A; Hunter, R
31-Jan-2023K v K – a retreat from progress in the family courts?Barnett, A; Proudman, C
2015Like gold dust these days’: domestic violence fact-finding hearings in child contact casesBarnett, A
14-Dec-2023‘Swim, swim and die at the beach’: family court and perpetrator induced trauma (CPIT) experiences of mothers in BrazilDalgarno, E; Katz, E; Ayeb-Karlsson, S; Barnett, A; Motosi, P; Verma, A
2022What are the experiences of female survivors of domestic abuse when an expert has been instructed in England and Wales private law child arrangements proceedings?Grey, Rachael Ann
23-Oct-2024When is ‘the end of the road’ reached? Observing the presumption of parental involvement through systems theoryBarnett, A