Browsing by Author Dong, H

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 138  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Accessing user information for use in designMcGinley, C; Dong, H
3-Jul-2019Achieving Inclusion with Contextualized User-Sensitive DesignLi, F; Dong, H
12-Jan-2024Anomaly-Resistant Decentralized State Estimation Under Minimum Error Entropy With Fiducial Points for Wide-Area Power SystemsQu, B; Wang, Z; Shen, B; Dong, H; Liu, H
24-Jun-2024“Another Eye For the Visually Impaired”: A Study Exploring the Experience of Using Camera-based Mobile Assistive ApplicationsNiu, L; Manohar, A; Ning, W; Dong, H
2009Anthropometrics without numbers!Nickpour, F; Dong, H
2011Assessing the number of users who are excluded by domestic heating controlsCombe, N; Harrison, DJ; Dong, H; Craig, S; Gill, Z
11-Nov-2024Binary-Encoding-Based Quantized Kalman Filter: An Approximate MMSE ApproachLiu, Q; Nie, Y; Wang, Z; Dong, H; Jiang, C
19-Jul-2015Co-design: An Investigation Through Interviewing Expert in EuropeDong, H; Shu, Y; Chen, Z
2005Combating barriers to inclusive design – Evaluation of an inclusive design toolkitDong, H; Clarkson, JP
23-Aug-2021Consensusability of discrete-time multi-agent systems under binary encoding with bit errorsChen, W; Wang, Z; Ding, D; Dong, H
1-Apr-2024Creative China in the context of UK–China creative industries collaborationDong, H
27-Jun-2024Creative industries research and innovation: Views from the United Kingdom and China regarding a future hubDong, H; Bakhshi, H; Brooker, D; Bryan-Kinns, N; Huang, Y; Wang, J; You, X; Ning, W
2005Critical user forums – An effective user research method for inclusive designDong, H; Clarkson, PJ; Cassim, J; Keates, S
2005DBA design challenge: Engaging design professionals with inclusive designCassim, J; Dong, H
2-May-2023Decentralized dynamic state estimation for multi-machine power systems with non-Gaussian noises: Outlier detection and localizationQu, B; Wang, Z; Shen, B; Dong, H
2009Design bugs out: a real world investigation of hospital bedside chairs and commodesDong, H; McGinley, C
20-Apr-2022Design Empowering Active Aging: A Resource-based Design ToolkitDong, H; Yumei, D
8-May-2021Design Heuristics for Artificial Intelligence: Inspirational Design Stimuli for Supporting UX Designers in Generating AI-Powered IdeasJin, X; Evans, M; Dong, H; Yao, A
2015Design of non-fragile state estimators for discrete time-delayed neural networks with parameter uncertaintiesYu, Y; Dong, H; Wang, Z; Ren, W; Alsaadi, FE
2003Designers and manufacturers’ perspectives on inclusive/universal designDong, H; Keates, S; Clarkson, PJ