Browsing by Author Fang, J

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Assessment of coatings for protection of cement paste against microbial induced deterioration through image analysisKong, L; Fang, J; Zhou, X; Han, M; Lu, H
30-Apr-2024Class Imbalance Wafer Defect Pattern Recognition Based on Shared-Database Decentralized Federated Learning FrameworkZhang, Y; Lan, R; Li, X; Fang, J; Ping, Z; Liu, W; Wang, Z
2011Controller design for synchronization of an array of delayed neural networks using a controllableTang, Y; Wang, Z; Fang, J
2007A delay-dependent approach to H∞ filtering for stochastic delayed jumping systems with sensor non-linearitiesWei, G; Wang, Z; Shu, H; Fang, J
2007Delay-dependent stabilization of stochastic interval delay systems with nonlinear disturbancesWei, G; Wang, Z; Shu, H; Fang, J
15-Oct-2021Effect of Mn on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-4Ni AlloyFang, J; Dong, X; Ji, S
2011Feedback learning particle swarm optimizationTang, Y; Wang, Z; Fang, J
2011Multiobjective synchronization of coupled systemsTang, Y; Wang, Z; Wong, WK; Kurths, J; Fang, J
29-Dec-2022A New Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Outlier Detection: Industrial Data Clustering in Wire Arc Additive ManufacturingFang, J; Wang, Z; Liu, W; Lauria, S; Zeng, N; Prieto, C; Sikstrom, F; Liu, X
29-Dec-2023A new particle-swarm-optimization-assisted deep transfer learning framework with applications to outlier detection in additive manufacturingFang, J; Wang, Z; Liu, W; Chen, L; Liu, X
2011Parameters identification of unknown delayed genetic regulatory networks by a switching particle swarm optimization algorithmTang, Y; Wang, Z; Fang, J
2009Pinning control of fractional-order weighted complex networksTang, Y; Wang, Z; Fang, J
2006Robust H∞ control of stochastic time-delay jumping systems with nonlinear disturbancesWei, G; Wang, Z; Shu, H; Fang, J
2006Robust H∞ filter design with variance constraints and parabolic pole assignmentWang, Z; Fang, J
2006Robust stability for stochastic Hopfield neural networks with time delaysWang, Z; Shu, H; Fang, J; Liu, X
27-Mar-2023A Survey of Algorithms, Applications and Trends for Particle Swarm OptimizationFang, J; Liu, W; Chen, L; Lauria, S; Miron, A; Liu, X
19-Oct-2022A two-stage integrated method for early prediction of remaining useful life of lithium-ion batteriesMa, G; Wang, Z; Liu, W; Fang, J; Zhang, Y; Ding, H; Yuan, Y