Browsing by Author Kaplunov, J

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-Jun-2018An asymptotic higher-order theory for rectangular beamsNolde, E; Pichugin, AV; Kaplunov, J
20-Jun-2018Composite wave models for elastic platesErbaş, B; Kaplunov, J; Nolde, E; Palsü, M
2013Edge and interfacial vibration of a thin elasic cylindrical panelArulchandran, Victor
2010High-frequency homogenization for periodic mediaCraster, RV; Kaplunov, J; Pichugin, AV
5-Oct-2024On the refined boundary condition at the edge of a thin elastic strip supported by a Winkler-type foundation under antiplane shear deformationPrikazchikova, L; Nolde, E; Miszuris, W; Kaplunov, J