Browsing by Author Lu, G

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Aug-2020Culture versus Policy: More Global Collaboration to Effectively Combat COVID-19Li, J; Guo, K; Viedma, EH; Lee, H; Liu, J; Zhong, N; Autran Monteiro Gomes, LF; Filip, FG; Fang, S-C; Özdemir, MS; Liu, X; Lu, G; Shi, Y
2007A dubiety-determining based model for database cumulated anomaly intrusionYi, J; Lu, G; Lü, K
27-Dec-2023EEGProgress: A fast and lightweight progressive convolution architecture for EEG classificationChen, Z; Yang, R; Huang, M; Li, F; Lu, G; Wang, Z
28-Mar-2023Encrypted Finite-Horizon Energy-to-Peak State Estimation for Time-Varying Systems Under Eavesdropping Attacks: Tackling Secrecy CapacityZou, L; Wang, Z; Shen, B; Dong, H; Lu, G
1-Jul-2024Local Design of Distributed State Estimators for Linear Discrete Time-Varying Systems Over Binary Sensor Networks: A Set-Membership ApproachHan, F; Wang, Z; Liu, H; Dong, H; Lu, G
24-Aug-2024A novel neural network architecture utilizing parametric-logarithmic-modulus-based activation function: Theory, algorithm, and applicationsZhao, M; Wang, Z; Wan, J; Lu, G; Liu, W
1-May-2024An Optimal Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Approach With Applications to Pipeline Fault Diagnosis: Balancing Invariance and VarianceWang, C; Wang, Z; Liu, H; Dong, H; Lu, G
2007Statistical and fuzzy approach for database securityLu, G; Yi, J; Lü, K
12-Jun-2024Ultimately Bounded Output Feedback Control for Networked Nonlinear Systems with Unreliable Communication Channel: A Buffer-Aided StrategyZhang, Y; Wang, Z; Zou, L; Chen, Y; Lu, G