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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2006 | Constructive Heuristics for the Minimum Labelling Spanning Tree Problem: a preliminary comparison | Consoli, S; Moreno, J A; Mladenović, N; Darby-Dowman, K |
2008 | Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for the minimum labelling Steiner tree problem | Consoli, S; Moreno-Pérez, J A; Darby-Dowman, K; Mladenović, N |
2009 | Discrete particle swarm optimization for the minimum labelling Steiner tree problem | Consoli, S; Moreno-Pérez, JA; Darby-Dowman, K; Mladenović, N |
2015 | Fitting censored quantile regression by variable neighborhood search | Rajab, RS; Dražić, M; Mladenović, N; Mladenović, P; Yu, K |
2009 | Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search and Variable Neighbourhood Search for the minimum labelling spanning tree problem | Consoli, S; Darby-Dowman, K; Mladenović, N; Moreno-Pérez, JA |
2007 | Heuristics based on greedy randomized adaptive search and variable neighbourhood search for the minimum labelling spanning tree problem | Consoli, S; Darby-Dowman, K; Mladenović, N; Moreno-Pérez, JA |
2000 | Improvements and comparison of heuristics for solving the uncapacitated multisource Weber problem | Brimberg, J; Hansen, P; Mladenović, N; Taillard, ED |
2000 | An interior point algorithm for minimum sum-of-squares clustering | Du Merle, O; Hansen, P; Jaumard, B; Mladenović, N |
2011 | Maximizing edge-ratio is NP-complete | Noble, SD; Hansen, P; Mladenović, N |
2007 | Mejora de la exploración y la explotación de las heurísticas constructivas para el MLSTP | Consoli, S; Moreno-Pérez, J A; Mladenović, N; Darby-Dowman, K |
2010 | New variants of variable neighbourhood search for 0-1 mixed integer programming and clustering | Lazić, Jasmina |
2003 | An oil pipeline design problem | Brimberg, J; Hansen, P; Lih, KW; Mladenović, N; Breton, M |
2004 | Pooling problem: Alternate formulations and solution methods | Audet, C; Brimberg, J; Hansen, P; Le Digabel, S; Mladenović, N |
2007 | Primal-dual variable neighborhood search for the simple plant-location problem | Hansen, P; Brimberg, J; Urosevic, D; Mladenović, N |
2002 | A separable approximation dynamic programming algorithm for economic dispatch with transmission losses | Hansen, P; Mladenović, N |
2007 | Solving the minimum labelling spanning tree problem using hybrid local search | Consoli, S; Darby-Dowman, K; Mladenović, N; Moreno-Perez, J A |
2003 | Solving the p-center problem with tabu search and variable neighborhood search | Mladenović, N; Labbe, M; Hansen, P |
2012 | Some applications of continuous variable neighbourhood search metaheuristic (mathematical modelling) | Sheikh Rajab, Rima |
2009 | Variable neighbourhood decomposition search for 0-1 mixed integer programs | Lazic, J; Hanafi, S; Mladenović, N; Urosevic, D |
2011 | Variable neighbourhood search based heuristic for K-harmonic means clustering | Alguwaizani, Abdulrahman |