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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Beyond the Symbolic: A Relational Approach to Dirty Work through a Study of Refuse Collectors and Street Cleaners | Hughes, J; Simpson, R; Slutskaya, N; Simpson, A; Hughes, K |
2004 | Career progress and career barriers: Women MBA graduates in Canada and the UK | Simpson, R; Sturges, J; Woods, A; Altman, Y |
2017 | ‘Cool’ Meanings: Tattoo Artists, Body Work and Organizational ‘Bodyscape’ | Simpson, R; Pullen, A |
2004 | Dangerous work: The gendered nature of bullying in the context of higher education | Simpson, R; Cohen, C |
4-Jun-2018 | “Embodying” dirty work: A review of the literature | Simpson, R; Simpson, A |
2005 | An exploratory study of the internal career orientation and the external career pattern of information technology workers in Nigeria | Ituma, Afam Nnanna |
2014 | Exploring identity processes in the work setting of a developing country through the lenses of social identity and post-colonialism | Konya, Kaanakia Toge |
2009 | Exploring the psychological contract of black British clerical workers in UK local authorities | Dadi, Vincent |
2007 | Forms of capital and career benefits of the MBA in china and the UK | Ituma, AN; Simpson, R; Bo, X; Woods, A; Sturges, J |
2005 | Gender, age and the MBA: An analysis of extrinsic and intrinsic career benefits | Simpson, R; Sturges, J; Woods, A; Altman, Y |
24-Sep-2020 | 'Gendering’ Contamination: Physical, Social and Moral taint in the Context of Covid-19 | Simpson, R; Morgan, R |
2014 | Institutional and personal influences on career choice: a study on MBA students in Saudi Arabia | Albugamy, Rajeh Tami |
2005 | An investigation of silence and a scrutiny of transparency: Re-examining gender in organization literature through the concepts of voice and visibility | Simpson, R; Lewis, P |
2013 | Is the boundaryless career applicable to all? An investigation of black knowledge intensive workers in the UK | Mansah-Owusu, Grace |
2012 | Kanter revisited: Gender, power and (in)visibility | Lewis, P; Simpson, R |
1-Apr-2022 | Landscape and Work: ‘Placing’ the Experiences of Male Manual Workers in a UK Seaside Town | Simpson, R; Morgan, R; Lewis, P; Rumens, N |
23-Feb-2021 | Living and Working on the Edge: ‘Place Precarity’ and the Experiences of Male Manual Workers in a UK Sea-side Town | Simpson, R; Morgan, R; Lewis, P; Rumens, N |
2008 | The making and marking of men’s bodies in the context of nursing care | Simpson, R |
2009 | Managing difference in feminized work: Men, otherness and social practice | Pullen, A; Simpson, R |
2019 | Many silences: an application of grid-group cultural theory to reticence in Saudi Arabian educational institutions | Alraies, Fadiah |