Browsing by Author Tucker, A

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 108  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016The AGIS metric and time of test: A replication studyCounsell, S; Swift, S; Tucker, A
19-Nov-2019Analysis of Friedreich's ataxia patient clinical data reveals importance of accurate GAA repeat determination in disease prognosis and gender differences in cardiac measuresGhorbani, M; Pousset, F; Tucker, A; Swift, S; Giunti, P; Parkinson, M; Gilbert, D; Liu, XH; Payne, A
14-May-2019An application of generalised simulated annealing towards the simultaneous modelling and clustering of glaucomaJilani, MZMB; Tucker, A; Swift, SM
2019Automating the construction of higher order data representations from heterogeneous biodiversity datasetsNicolson, Nicky
1-Sep-2021Bayesboost: Identifying and Handling Bias Using Synthetic Data GeneratorsDraghi, B; Wang, Z; Myles, P; Tucker, A
2016A Bayesian Belief Network to assess rate of changes in coral reef ecosystemsFranco, C; Hepburn, LA; Smith, DJ; Nimrod, S; Tucker, A
2004A Bayesian network approach to explaining time series with changing structureTucker, A; Liu, X
2005Bayesian network classifiers for time-series microarray dataTucker, A; Vinciotti, V; Hoen, PAC't; Liu, X
2012Bioinformatics tools in predictive ecology: Applications to fisheriesTucker, A; Duplisea, D
2013Building trajectories through clinical data to model disease progressionLi, Yuanxi
2004Clustering with niching genetic K-means algorithmSheng, W; Tucker, A; Liu, X
2022Combined supervised and unsupervised learning to identify subclasses of disease for better predictionAlsaid Alyousef, Awad
2010Combining heterogeneous sources of data for the reverse-engineering of gene regulatory networksSteele, Emma
2016Combining Unsupervised and Supervised Learning for Discovering Disease SubclassesTucker, A; Bosoni, P; Bellazzi, R; Nihtyanova, S; Denton, C
2008Consensus and meta-analysis regulatory networks for combining multiple microarray gene expression datasetsSteele, E; Tucker, A
2004Consensus clustering and functional interpretation of gene expression dataSwift, S; Tucker, A; Vinciotti, V; Martin, N; Orengo, C; Liu, X; Kellam, P
2018Construction of a network describing asparagine metabolism in plants and its application to the identification of genes affecting asparagine metabolism in wheat under drought and nutritional stressCurtis, TY; Bo, V; Tucker, A; Halford, NG
21-Aug-2021DeepHistoClass: A novel strategy for confident classification of immunohistochemistry images using Deep LearningGhoshal, B; Hikmet, F; Pineau, C; Tucker, A; Lindskog, C
2019Developing an intrusion detection model for distributed denial of service attacks in cloud computingAhmadi, Roja
2014Discovering study-specific gene regulatory networksBo, V; Curtis, T; Lysenko, A; Saqi, M; Swift, S; Tucker, A