Browsing by Author Venturelli, M

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Mar-2021Comprehensive numerical model for the analysis of potential heat recovery solutions in a ceramic industryVenturelli, M; Brough, D; Milani, M; Montorsi, L; Jouhara, H
2019Energy Efficiency in Industry: EU and national policies in Italy and the UKMalinauskaite, J; Jouhara, H; Ahmad, L; Milani, M; Montorsi, L; Venturelli, M
15-Feb-2020Investigation on a full-scale Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger in the ceramics industry for waste heat recoveryJouhara, H; Bertrand, D; Axcell, B; Montorsi, L; Venturelli, M; Almahmoud, S; Milani, M; Ahmad, L; Chauhan, A
23-Dec-2024Wastewater Reuse in the EU and Southern European Countries: Policies, Barriers and Good PracticesMalinauskaite, J; Delpech, B; Montorsi, L; Venturelli, M; Gernjak, W; Abily, M; Stepišnik Perdih, T; Nyktari, E; Jouhara, H