Browsing by Author Wang, A

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Mar-2022Center detection algorithm for printed circuit board circular marks based on image space and parameter spaceQi, M; Wang, Y; Chen, Y; Xin, H; Xu, Y; Meng, H; Wang, A
2015Experimental investigation of the properties of electrospun nanofibers for potential medical applicationWang, A; Xu, C; Zhang, C; Gan, Y; Wang, B
22-Nov-2022Improved Strength–Ductility Synergy of a CoCrNi Medium-Entropy Alloy by Ex Situ TiN NanoparticlesWang, A; Wang, J; Yang, F; Wen, T; Yang, H; Ji, S
11-Dec-2024Multiagent deep reinforcement learning-based cooperative optimal operation with strong scalability for residential microgrid clustersWang, C; Wang, M; Wang, A; Zhang, X; Zhang, J; Ma, H; Yang, N; Zhao, Z; Lai, CS; Lai, LL
21-May-2024Prioritized sum-tree experience replay TD3 DRL-based online energy management of a residential microgridWang, C; Zhang, J; Wang, A; Wang, Z; Yang, N; Zhao, Z; Lai, CS; Lai, LL