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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | Actualizing Sámi Rights: International Comparative Research | Allard, C; Kirchner, S; Xanthaki, A; Valkonen, S; Mörkenstam, U |
2014 | The added-value of minorirt rights protection for Muslims in Western Europe: multiculturalist approaches and international law | Berry, Stephanie Eleanor |
18-May-2016 | Against Integration, for human rights | Xanthaki, A |
2005 | Balancing human rights and the rehabilitation of ex-offenders | Xanthaki, A |
2-May-2019 | The Cultural Heritage of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples in the EU: Weaknesses or Opportunities? | Xanthaki, A |
2-May-2019 | The Cultural heritage of Minorities in the EU: Weaknesses or Opportunities? | Xanthaki, A |
2001 | Cultural rights of indigenous peoples | Xanthaki, A |
20-Dec-2023 | Forced migrants in Europe and their cultural rights: In need of minority protection | Xanthaki, A |
29-Nov-2023 | Fragmentation – A Continuous Obstacle to the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to their Cultural Resources | Xanthaki, A |
2017 | Honour killings in Turkey: women’s rights, feminist approaches and domestic legislation at crossroads | Kulahli, Ayse |
2005 | Hope dies last: An EU directive on Roma integration | Xanthaki, A |
2024 | Human Rights Risks of Migration Flow Predictions and Policy Implications Within the EU | Tschalaer, M; Xanthaki, A; Xanthopoulou, E |
8-Oct-2015 | Indigenous autonomy in the Americas | Xanthaki, A |
2021 | Indigenous cultural rights violations and transitional justice in the settler colonial state | Luoma, Colin M. |
17-Oct-2017 | Indigenous peoples' Cultural Heritage: Rights, Debates, Challenges | Xanthaki, A; Valkonen, S; Heinamaki, L; Nuogram, PK |
2017 | Indigenous peoples' Customary Laws, Sámi People and Sacred Sites | Xanthaki, A |
2014 | 'Indigenous Rights at the United Nations: Their impact on international human rights standards' | Xanthaki, A |
2-Jul-2019 | Indigenous self-determination: A response to Massad | Xanthaki, A |
21-Sep-2017 | International Instruments on Cultural Heritage: Tales of Fragmentation | Xanthaki, A |
2003 | Land rights of indigenous peoples in Southeast Asia | Xanthaki, A |