Showing results 1 to 20 of 30
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
10-Aug-2018 | Abnormal Grain Refinement Behavior in High-Pressure Die Casting of Pure Mg with Addition of Zr as Grain Refiner | Yang, W; Ji, S; Zhang, R; Zhang, J; Liu, L |
16-Jan-2024 | Application-Layer Anomaly Detection Leveraging Time-Series Physical Semantics in CAN-FD Vehicle Networks | Zhao, R; Luo, C; Gao, F; Gao, Z; Li, L; Zhang, D; Yang, W |
2013 | Effect of iron on the microstructure and mechanical property of Al-Mg-Si-Mn and Al-Mg-Si diecast alloys | Ji, S; Yang, W; Gao, F; Watson, D; Fan, Z |
2015 | Effect of solutionising and ageing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a high strength die-cast Al–Mg–Zn–Si alloy | Yan, F; Yang, W; Ji, S; Fan, Z |
8-Jun-2018 | Effect of Zn Concentration on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-Mg-Si-Zn Alloys Processed by Gravity Die Casting | Li, L; Ji, S; Zhu, Q; Wang, Y; Dong, X; Yang, W; Midson, S; Kang, Y |
11-Nov-2022 | Existence and stability of singular patterns in a fractional Ginzburg–Landau equation with a mean field | Gao, M; Winter, M; Yang, W |
2015 | Formation and sedimentation of Fe-rich intermetallics in Al−Si−Cu−Fe alloy | Ji, S; Yang, W; Gao, F |
2012 | Government spending shocks and the multiplier: New evidence from the U.S. based on natural disasters | Yang, W; Fidrmuc, J; Ghosh, S |
2015 | Grain boundary precipitation induced by grain crystallographic misorientations in an extruded Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy | Yang, W; Ji, S; Li, Z; Wang, M |
Nov-2016 | Halo formation of Zn-Al alloys under conventional solidification and intensive convection solidification | Yang, W; Fredriksson, H; Ji, S |
2014 | Heterogeneous nucleation of α-Al grain on primary α-AlFeMnSi intermetallic investigated using 3D SEM ultramicrotomy and HRTEM | Yang, W; Ji, S; Zhou, X; Stone, I; Scamans, G; Thompson, GE; Fan, Z |
21-Dec-2021 | Hierarchical Deep Multi-task Learning with Attention Mechanism for Similarity Learning | Huang, Y; Wang, Q; Yang, W; Liao, Q; Meng, H |
30-Jun-2022 | iCGPN: Interaction-Centric Graph Parsing Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection | Yang, W; Chen, G; Zhao, Z; Su, F; Meng, H |
2013 | Improvement of mechanical properties of HPDC A356 alloy through melt quenching process. | Ji, S; Fan, Z; Yang, W; Jiang, B |
2014 | Initial precipitation and hardening mechanism during non-isothermal aging in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu 6005A alloy | Yang, W; Ji, S; Huang, L; Sheng, X; Li, Z; Wang, M |
12-Nov-2016 | Insight into the partial solutionisation of a high pressure die-cast Al-Mg-Zn-Si alloy for mechanical property enhancement | Yang, W; Liu, L; Zhang, J; Ji, S |
8-Jul-2022 | Integration of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Artificial Neural Network for Optimization Design of Battery Thermal Management System | Li, A; Yuen, ACY; Wang, W; Chen, TBY; Lai, CS; Yang, W; Wu, W; Chan, QN; Kook, S; Yeoh, GH |
2015 | Investigation of mechanical and corrosion properties of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy under various ageing conditions and interface analysis of η' precipitate | Yang, W; Ji, S; Zhang, Q; Wang, M |
14-Dec-2022 | Investigation on the thermal condition of a traditional cold-lane in summer in subtropical humid climate region of china | Chen, H; Wei, Y; Lin, Y; Yang, W; Chen, X; Kolokotroni, M; Liu, X; Zhang, G |
2015 | Macroeconomic effects of fiscal adjustment: A tale of two approaches | Yang, W; Fidrmuc, J; Ghosh, S |