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Showing results 1549 to 1568 of 27877 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Auditory observation of stepping actions can cue both spatial and temporal components of gait in Parkinson's disease patientsYoung, WR; Rodger, MWM; Craig, CM
2007Augmented paper applications: Initial user tests of a wireless pattern readerJenkins, K; Wood, J; Southee, DJ; Harrison, DJ; Stanton, NA
5-Aug-2021Augmented Power Dispatch for Resilient Operation through Controllable Series Compensation and N-1-1 Contingency AssessmentHuang, L; Huang, Z; Lai, CS; Yang, G; Zhao, Z; Tong, N; Wu, X; Lai, LL
20-Nov-2022Augmented role identity saliency of CSR in corporate heritage organizationsAl-Amad, AH; Balmer, JMT
2014Augmenting citation chain aggregation with article mapsCribbin, TF
2-Aug-2021Augmenting learning processes of absorptive capacity for innovation: Insights for effective leadership within global pharmaceutical companiesRezaei Zadeh, M; Hackney, R; Zeng, J
2016Austerity Neoliberalism: a new discursive formationDe Benedictis, S; Gill, R
2008The Australian Research Quality Framework: A live experiment in capturing the social, economic, environmental, and cultural returns of publicly funded researchDonovan, C
26-Oct-2020The Auteur and the 80s Mixtape: Popular Music and Authenticity in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom PainIvanescu, A
2016The authentic cybertariat? Commodifying feelings, accents and cultural identities in the global SouthRajan-Rankin, S
18-Oct-2017The Authentic-Machiavellian Leadership Grid: A Typology of Leadership StylesRego, P; Lopes, MP; Simpson, AV
12-Oct-2021Author Correction: A doping-less junction-formation mechanism between n-silicon and an atomically thin boron layerMohammadi, V; Nihtianov, S; Fang, C
18-Oct-2023Author Correction: A portrait of the Higgs boson by the CMS experiment ten years after the discovery (Nature, (2022), 607, 7917, (60-68), 10.1038/s41586-022-04892-x)Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Andrejkovic, JW; Bergauer, T; Chatterjee, S; Damanakis, K; Dragicevic, M; Del Valle, AE; Hussain, PS; Jeitler, M; Krammer, N; Mikulec, I; Paulitsch, P; Pitters, FM; Schieck, J; Schöfbeck, R; Schwarz, D; Templ, S; Waltenberger, W; Wulz, CE; Darwish, MR; Janssen, T; Kello, T; Sfar, HR; Van Mechelen, P; Bols, ES; D’Hondt, J; De Moor, A; Delcourt, M; El Faham, H; Lowette, S; Moortgat, S; Morton, A; Müller, D; Sahasransu, AR; Tavernier, S; Van Doninck, W; Vannerom, D; Clerbaux, B; De Lentdecker, G; Favart, L; Jaramillo, J; Lee, K; Mahdavikhorrami, M; Makarenko, I; Malara, A; Paredes, S; Pétré, L; Postiau, N; Starling, E; Thomas, L; Bemden, MV; Vander Velde, C; Vanlaer, P; Dobur, D; Knolle, J; Lambrecht, L; Mestdach, G; Niedziela, M; Rendón, C; Roskas, C; Samalan, A; Skovpen, K; Tytgat, M; Van Den Bossche, N; Vermassen, B; Wezenbeek, L; Benecke, A; Bruno, G; Bury, F; Caputo, C; David, P; Delaere, C; Donertas, IS; Giammanco, A; Jaffel, K; Jain, S; Lemaitre, V; Mondal, K; Prisciandaro, J; Taliercio, A; Tran, TT; Vischia, P; Wertz, S; Alves, GA; Coelho, E; Hensel, C; Moraes, A; Teodorescu, L; Teles, PR; Júnior, WLA; Alves Gallo Pereira, M; Barroso Ferrira Filho, M; Reid, ID; Malbouisson, HB; Carvalho, W; Chinellato, J; Kyberd, P; Da Costa, EM; Da Silveira, GG; Khan, A; De Jesus Damiao, D; Cole, JE; Coldham, K; Lechner, L; Liko, D
14-Jun-2022Author Correction: Characterising the unity and diversity of executive functions in a within-subject fMRI studySaylik, R; Williams, AL; Murphy, RA; Szameitat, AJ
11-Mar-2024Author Correction: Climate threats to coastal infrastructure and sustainable development outcomes (Nature Climate Change, (2024), 10.1038/s41558-024-01950-2)Adshead, D; Paszkowski, A; Gall, SS; Peard, AM; Adnan, MSG; Verschuur, J; Hall, JW
12-May-2022Author Correction: Expanded encyclopaedias of DNA elements in the human and mouse genomesMoore, JE; Abascal, F; Acosta, R; Addleman, NJ; Adrian, J; Afzal, V; Aken, B; Akiyama, JA; Jammal, OA; Amrhein, H; Anderson, SM; Edwards, MD; El-Ali, N; Elhajjajy, SI; Andrews, GR; Antoshechkin, I; Ardlie, KG; Armstrong, J; Astley, M; Banerjee, B; Barkal, AA; Barnes, IHA; Barozzi, I; Barrell, D; Barson, G; Bates, D; Baymuradov, UK; Bazile, C; Beer, MA; Beik, S; Bender, MA; Bennett, R; Bouvrette, LPB; Bernstein, BE; Berry, A; Bhaskar, A; Bignell, A; Blue, SM; Bodine, DM; Boix, C; Boley, N; Borrman, T; Borsari, B; Boyle, AP; Brandsmeier, LA; Breschi, A; Bresnick, EH; Brooks, JA; Buckley, M; Burge, CB; Byron, R; Cahill, E; Cai, L; Cao, L; Carty, M; Castanon, RG; Castillo, A; Chaib, H; Chan, ET; Chee, DR; Chee, S; Chen, H; Chen, H; Chen, JY; Chen, S; Cherry, JM; Chhetri, SB; Choudhary, JS; Chrast, J; Chung, D; Clarke, D; Cody, NAL; Coppola, CJ; Coursen, J; D’Ippolito, AM; Dalton, S; Danyko, C; Davidson, C; Davila-Velderrain, J; Davis, CA; Dekker, J; Deran, A; DeSalvo, G; Despacio-Reyes, G; Dewey, CN; Dickel, DE; Diegel, M; Diekhans, M; Dileep, V; Ding, B; Djebali, S; Dobin, A; Dominguez, D; Donaldson, S; Drenkow, J; Dreszer, TR; Drier, Y; Duff, MO; Dunn, D; Eastman, C; Ecker, JR
5-Jul-2022Author Correction: Genetic analysis of over half a million people characterises C-reactive protein loci (Nature Communications, (2022), 13, 1, (2198), 10.1038/s41467-022-29650-5)Said, S; Pazoki, R; Karhunen, V; Võsa, U; Ligthart, S; Bodinier, B; Koskeridis, F; Welsh, P; Alizadeh, BZ; Chasman, DI; Sattar, N; Chadeau-Hyam, M; Evangelou, E; Jarvelin, MR; Elliott, P; Tzoulaki, I; Dehghan, A
26-Apr-2021Author Correction: Perceptions of the appropriate response to norm violation in 57 societies (Nature Communications, (2021), 12, 1, (1481), 10.1038/s41467-021-21602-9).Eriksson, K; Strimling, P; Gelfand, M; Wu, J; Abernathy, J; Akotia, CS; Aldashev, A; Andersson, PA; Andrighetto, G; Anum, A; Arikan, G; Aycan, Z; Bagherian, F; Barrera, D; Basnight-Brown, D; Batkeyev, B; Belaus, A; Berezina, E; Björnstjerna, M; Blumen, S; Boski, P; Bou Zeineddine, F; Bovina, I; Huyen, BTT; Cardenas, JC; Čekrlija, Đ; Choi, HS; Contreras-Ibáñez, CC; Costa-Lopes, R; de Barra, M; de Zoysa, P; Dorrough, A; Dvoryanchikov, N; Eller, A; Engelmann, JB; Euh, H; Fang, X; Fiedler, S; Foster-Gimbel, OA; Fülöp, M; Gardarsdottir, RB; Gill, CMHD; Glöckner, A; Graf, S; Grigoryan, A; Gritskov, V; Growiec, K; Halama, P; Hartanto, A; Hopthrow, T; Hřebíčková, M; Iliško, D; Imada, H; Kapoor, H; Kawakami, K; Khachatryan, N; Kharchenko, N; Khoury, N; Kiyonari, T; Kohút, M; Linh, LT; Leslie, LM; Li, Y; Li, NP; Li, Z; Liik, K; Maitner, AT; Manhique, B; Manley, H; Medhioub, I; Mentser, S; Mohammed, L; Nejat, P; Nipassa, O; Nussinson, R; Onyedire, NG; Onyishi, IE; Özden, S; Panagiotopoulou, P; Perez-Floriano, LR; Persson, MS; Pheko, M; Pirttilä-Backman, AM; Pogosyan, M; Raver, J; Reyna, C; Rodrigues, RB; Romanò, S; Romero, PP; Sakki, I; San Martin, A; Sherbaji, S; Shimizu, H; Simpson, B; Szabo, E; Takemura, K; Tieffi, H; Mendes Teixeira, ML; Thanomkul, N; Tiliouine, H
26-Apr-2022Author Correction: Perspectives on ENCODE (Nature, (2020), 583, 7818, (693-698), 10.1038/s41586-020-2449-8)Abascal, FBC; Acosta, R; Addleman, NJ; Adrian, J; Afzal, V; Aken, B; Ai, R; Akiyama, JA; Jammal, OA; Amrhein, H; Anderson, SM; Dileep, V; Ding, B; Djebali, S; Dobin, A; Dominguez, D; Donaldson, S; Drenkow, J; Dreszer, TR; Snyder, MP; Drier, Y; Duff, MO; Dunn, D; Sisu, C; Eastman, C; Ecker, JR; Edwards, MD; El-Ali, N; Snyder, MP; Andrews, GR; Antoshechkin, I; Ardlie, KG; Armstrong, J; Astley, M; Banerjee, B; Barkal, AA; Barnes, IHA; Barozzi, I; Barrell, D; Barson, G; Bates, D; Baymuradov, UK; Bazile, C; Beer, MA; Beik, S; Bender, MA; Bennett, R; Bouvrette, LPB; Bernstein, BE; Berry, A; Bhaskar, A; Bignell, A; Blue, SM; Bodine, DM; Boix, C; Boley, N; Borrman, T; Borsari, B; Boyle, AP; Brandsmeier, LA; Breschi, A; Bresnick, EH; Brooks, JA; Buckley, M; Burge, CB; Byron, R; Cahill, E; Cai, L; Cao, L; Carty, M; Castanon, RG; Castillo, A; Chaib, H; Chan, ET; Chee, DR; Chee, S; Chen, H; Chen, H; Chen, JY; Chen, S; Cherry, JM; Chhetri, SB; Choudhary, JS; Chrast, J; Chung, D; Clarke, D; Cody, NAL; Coppola, CJ; Coursen, J; D’Ippolito, AM; Dalton, S; Danyko, C; Davidson, C; Davila-Velderrain, J; Davis, CA; Dekker, J; Deran, A; DeSalvo, G; Despacio-Reyes, G; Dewey, CN; Dickel, DE; Diegel, M; Diekhans, M
2018Authoritarian state, global expansion and corporate social responsibility reporting: The narrative of a Chinese state-owned enterpriseLi, T; Belal, A