Title: | Search for mixing-induced CP violation using partial reconstruction of (B)over-bar(0) -> D*(+)Xl(-)(nu)over-bar(l) and kaon tagging |
Authors: | Lees, JP Poireau, V Tisserand, V Grauges, E Palano, A Eigen, G Stugu, B Brown, DN Kerth, LT Kolomensky, YG Lee, MJ Casarosa, G Chrzaszcz, M Forti, F Giorgi, MA Lusiani, A Oberhof, B Paoloni, E Rama, M Rizzo, G Blinov, VE Ahmed, H Walsh, JJ Pegna, DL Olsen, J Smith, AJS Anulli, F Faccini, R Ferrarotto, F Ferroni, F Gaspero, M Pilloni, A Gritsan, AV Buzykaev, AR Piredda, G Buenger, C Dittrich, S Gruenberg, O Hess, M Leddig, T Voss, C Waldi, R Adye, T Arnaud, N Olaiya, EO Druzhinin, VP Wilson, FF Emery, S Vasseur, G Aston, D Bard, DJ Cartaro, C Convery, MR Dorfan, J Davier, M Dubois-Felsmann, GP Dunwoodie, W Golubev, VB Ebert, M Field, RC Fulsom, BG Graham, MT Hast, C Innes, WR Kim, P Derkach, D Leith, DWGS Luitz, S Luth, V Kravchenko, EA MacFarlane, DB Muller, DR Neal, H Pulliam, T Ratcliff, BN Roodman, A Grosdidier, G Schindler, RH Snyder, A Su, D Sullivan, MK Onuchin, AP Va'vra, J Wisniewski, WJ Wulsin, HW Purohit, MV Wilson, JR Le Diberder, F Randle-Conde, A Sekula, SJ Bellis, M Burchat, PR Puccio, MT Serednyakov, SI Alam, MS Ernst, JA Gorodeisky, R Guttman, N Lutz, AM Peimer, DR Soffer, A Spanier, SM Ritchie, JL Schwitters, RF Izen, JM Skovpen, YI Lou, XC Bianchi, F De Mori, F Malaescu, B Filippi, A Gamba, D Lanceri, L Vitale, L Martinez-Vidal, F Oyanguren, A Albert, J Solodov, EP Banerjee, S Beaulieu, A Roudeau, P Bernlochner, FU Choi, HHF King, GJ Kowalewski, R Lewczuk, MJ Lueck, T Nugent, IM Roney, JM Todyshev, KY Sobie, RJ Lynch, G Tasneem, N Gershon, TJ Harrison, PF Latham, TE Band, HR Dasu, S Prepost, R Wu, SL Lankford, AJ Dey, B Stocchi, A Gary, JW Long, O Sevilla, MF Hong, TM Kovalskyi, D Richman, JD West, CA Eisner, AM Lockman, WS Vazquez, WP Wormser, G Schumm, BA Seiden, A Chao, DS Cheng, CH Echenard, B Flood, KT Hitlin, DG Kim, J Miyashita, TS Ongmongkolkul, P Lange, DJ Porter, FC Roehrken, M Andreassen, R Huard, Z Meadows, BT Pushpawela, BG Sokoloff, MD Sun, L Ford, WT Gaz, A Wright, DM Smith, JG Wagner, SR Ayad, R Toki, WH Spaan, B Bernard, D Verderi, M Playfer, S Bettoni, D Bozzi, C Coleman, JP Calabrese, R Cibinetto, G Fioravanti, E Garzia, I Luppi, E Piemontese, L Santoro, V Calcaterra, A de Sangro, R Finocchiaro, G Fry, JR Martellotti, S Patteri, P Peruzzi, IM Piccolo, M Zallo, A Contri, R Monge, MR Passaggio, S Patrignani, C Robutti, E Gabathuler, E Bhuyan, B Prasad, V Adametz, A Uwer, U Lacker, HM Mallik, U Chen, C Cochran, J Prell, S Hutchcroft, DE Payne, DJ Touramanis, C Koch, H Bevan, AJ Di Lodovico, F Sacco, R Cowan, G Brown, DN Davis, CL Denig, AG Fritsch, M Gradl, W Griessinger, K Schroeder, T Hafner, A Schubert, KR Barlow, RJ Lafferty, GD Cenci, R Hamilton, B Jawahery, A Roberts, DA Cowan, R Cheaib, R Hearty, C Patel, PM Robertson, SH Neri, N Palombo, F Cremaldi, L Godang, R Summers, DJ Simard, M Taras, P De Nardo, G Mattison, TS Onorato, G Sciacca, C Raven, G Jessop, CP LoSecco, JM Honscheid, K Kass, R Margoni, M Morandin, M Posocco, M McKenna, JA Rotondo, M Simi, G Simonetto, F Stroili, R Akar, S Ben-Haim, E Bomben, M Bonneaud, GR Briand, H Calderini, G So, RY Chauveau, J Leruste, P Marchiori, G Ocariz, J Biasini, M Manoni, E Rossi, A Angelini, C Batignani, G Bettarini, S Khan, A Carpinelli, M |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Publisher: | American Physical Society |
Citation: | PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 93(3): pp. 1-16, (2016) |
Abstract: | We describe in detail a previously published measurement of CP violation in B0-¯B0 oscillations, based on an integrated luminosity of 425.7 fb−1 collected by the BABAR experiment at the PEPII collider. We apply a novel technique to a sample of about 6 million ¯B0→D*+ℓ−¯νℓ decays selected with partial reconstruction of the D*+ meson. The charged lepton identifies the flavor of one B meson at its decay time, the flavor of the other B is determined by kaon tagging. We determine a CP violating asymmetry ACP=(N(B0B0)−N(¯B0¯B0))/(N(B0B0)+N(¯B0¯B0))=(0.06±0.17+0.38−0.32)% corresponding to ΔCP=1−|q/p|=(0.29±0.84+1.88−1.61)×10−3. This measurement is consistent and competitive with those obtained at the B factories with dilepton events. |
URI: | http://bura.brunel.ac.uk/handle/2438/14274 |
DOI: | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.93.032001 |
ISSN: | 2470-0010 |
Appears in Collections: | Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Research Papers
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