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dc.contributor.authorSirunyan, AM-
dc.contributor.authorTumasyan, A-
dc.contributor.authorAdam, W-
dc.contributor.authorAmbrogi, F-
dc.contributor.authorAsilar, E-
dc.contributor.authorBergauer, T-
dc.contributor.authorBrandstetter, J-
dc.contributor.authorDragicevic, M-
dc.contributor.authorErö, J-
dc.contributor.authorEscalante Del Valle, A-
dc.contributor.authorFlechl, M-
dc.contributor.authorFrühwirth, R-
dc.contributor.authorGhete, VM-
dc.contributor.authorHrubec, J-
dc.contributor.authorJeitler, M-
dc.contributor.authorKrammer, N-
dc.contributor.authorKrätschmer, I-
dc.contributor.authorLiko, D-
dc.contributor.authorMadlener, T-
dc.contributor.authorMikulec, I-
dc.contributor.authorRad, N-
dc.contributor.authorRohringer, H-
dc.contributor.authorSchieck, J-
dc.contributor.authorSchöfbeck, R-
dc.contributor.authorSpanring, M-
dc.contributor.authorSpitzbart, D-
dc.contributor.authorWaltenberger, W-
dc.contributor.authorWittmann, J-
dc.contributor.authorWulz, CE-
dc.contributor.authorZarucki, M-
dc.contributor.authorChekhovsky, V-
dc.contributor.authorMossolov, V-
dc.contributor.authorSuarez Gonzalez, J-
dc.contributor.authorDe Wolf, EA-
dc.contributor.authorDi Croce, D-
dc.contributor.authorJanssen, X-
dc.contributor.authorLauwers, J-
dc.contributor.authorLelek, A-
dc.contributor.authorPieters, M-
dc.contributor.authorVan Haevermaet, H-
dc.contributor.authorVan Mechelen, P-
dc.contributor.authorVan Remortel, N-
dc.contributor.authorBlekman, F-
dc.contributor.authorD'Hondt, J-
dc.contributor.authorDe Clercq, J-
dc.contributor.authorDeroover, K-
dc.contributor.authorFlouris, G-
dc.contributor.authorLontkovskyi, D-
dc.contributor.authorLowette, S-
dc.contributor.authorMarchesini, I-
dc.contributor.authorMoortgat, S-
dc.contributor.authorMoreels, L-
dc.contributor.authorPython, Q-
dc.contributor.authorSkovpen, K-
dc.contributor.authorTavernier, S-
dc.contributor.authorVan Doninck, W-
dc.contributor.authorVan Mulders, P-
dc.contributor.authorVan Parijs, I-
dc.contributor.authorBeghin, D-
dc.contributor.authorBilin, B-
dc.contributor.authorBrun, H-
dc.contributor.authorClerbaux, B-
dc.contributor.authorDe Lentdecker, G-
dc.contributor.authorDelannoy, H-
dc.contributor.authorDorney, B-
dc.contributor.authorFasanella, G-
dc.contributor.authorFavart, L-
dc.contributor.authorGrebenyuk, A-
dc.contributor.authorKalsi, AK-
dc.contributor.authorLuetic, J-
dc.contributor.authorPopov, A-
dc.contributor.authorPostiau, N-
dc.contributor.authorStarling, E-
dc.contributor.authorThomas, L-
dc.contributor.authorVander Velde, C-
dc.contributor.authorVanlaer, P-
dc.contributor.authorVannerom, D-
dc.contributor.authorWang, Q-
dc.contributor.authorCornelis, T-
dc.contributor.authorDobur, D-
dc.contributor.authorFagot, A-
dc.contributor.authorGul, M-
dc.contributor.authorKhvastunov, I-
dc.contributor.authorRoskas, C-
dc.contributor.authorTrocino, D-
dc.contributor.authorTytgat, M-
dc.contributor.authorVerbeke, W-
dc.contributor.authorVermassen, B-
dc.contributor.authorVit, M-
dc.contributor.authorZaganidis, N-
dc.contributor.authorBondu, O-
dc.contributor.authorBruno, G-
dc.contributor.authorCaputo, C-
dc.contributor.authorDavid, P-
dc.contributor.authorDelaere, C-
dc.contributor.authorDelcourt, M-
dc.contributor.authorGiammanco, A-
dc.contributor.authorKrintiras, G-
dc.contributor.authorLemaitre, V-
dc.contributor.authorMagitteri, A-
dc.identifier.citationPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 2020, 800en_US
dc.description.abstractA search is presented for pairs of light pseudoscalar bosons, in the mass range from 4 to 15 GeV, produced from decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson. The decay modes considered are final states that arise when one of the pseudoscalars decays to a pair of tau leptons, and the other one either into a pair of tau leptons or muons. The search is based on proton-proton collisions collected by the CMS experiment in 2016 at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV that correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1. The 2μ2τ and 4τ channels are used in combination to constrain the product of the Higgs boson production cross section and the branching fraction into 4τ final state, σB, exploiting the linear dependence of the fermionic coupling strength of pseudoscalar bosons on the fermion mass. No significant excess is observed beyond the expectation from the standard model. The observed and expected upper limits at 95% confidence level on σB, relative to the standard model Higgs boson production cross section, are set respectively between 0.022 and 0.23 and between 0.027 and 0.19 in the mass range probed by the analysis.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipSTFC (United Kingdom); The Marie-Curie programme; The European Research Council; Horizon 2020 Granten_US
dc.subjectHiggs bosonen_US
dc.titleSearch for light pseudoscalar boson pairs produced from decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson in final states with two muons and two nearby tracks in pp collisions at s=13TeVen_US
dc.relation.isPartOfPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics-
Appears in Collections:Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Research Papers

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