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Title: A gap analysis of technical standards for active safety online monitoring and fire hazards for lithium-ion batteries
Authors: Yuan, Y
Ji, X
Dong, Z
Lai, CS
Keywords: lithium-ion battery;standards;active safety online monitoring;fire early warning;energy storage
Issue Date: 14-Apr-2024
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Citation: Yuan, Y. et al. (2024) 'A gap analysis of technical standards for active safety online monitoring and fire hazards for lithium-ion batteries', 2024 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, SusTech 2024, Portland, OR, USA, 14-17 April, pp. 371 - 377. doi: 10.1109/SusTech60925.2024.10553627.
Abstract: Lithium-ion batteries are popular energy storage systems with high energy and power densities. However, the considerable heat released during their operation and potential malfunctions pose fire risks, raising safety concerns for energy storage facilities. This paper explores the technical standards for lithium-ion batteries and advocates for the integration of detection technologies for nanoparticles and characteristic gases for batteries monitoring. Factors include nanoparticles, H2, CO, electrolyte volatiles, temperature, and humidity can enable comprehensive online monitoring. Early detection of potential risks allows for timely intervention and elimination, mitigating safety accidents—a crucial consideration in the large-scale construction and application of batteries. Existing standards lack specifications for online monitoring of energy storage safety, encompassing battery management systems (BMS), gas monitoring, particle analysis, and fire warning technologies. The relevant technical standards will be discussed to address the current gaps in battery safety standards, particularly emphasizing the fire detection and warning technologies. There is a need to establish a comprehensive technical standard for the safety monitoring of energy storage, guiding the safe, efficient, and sustainable development of the energy storage industry.
ISBN: 979-8-3503-9434-4 (ebk)
979-8-3503-9435-1 (PoD)
ISSN: 2640-6829
Other Identifiers: ORCiD: Chun Sing Lai
Appears in Collections:Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Research Papers

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