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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 131 to 180 of 996
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Jun-2023Horton, Sarah B. & Josiah Heyman (eds). Paper trails: migrants, documents, and legal insecurity. vi, 258 pp., bibliogrs. Durham, N.C.: Duke Univ. Press, 2020. £22.99 (paper)Tuckett, A
1-Jul-2024'Not so Other': Challenging ideas of citizenship and belonging in ItalyTuckett, A
23-Aug-2021The resettlement net: ‘revolving door’ imprisonment and carceral (re)circulationCracknell, M
13-Sep-2023Is BRICS+ an Anti-Colonial Formation Worth Cheering From the Left? Far From It.Bhattacharya, T; Dale, G
29-Jun-2022From haunted houses to housed hauntings: ghosts, oracles, and kinship ambivalence in a Sri Lankan merchant familyHeslop, L
21-May-2018Post-release reforms for short prison sentences: Re-legitimising and widening the net of punishmentCracknell, M
23-Sep-2021From the ‘seamless sentence’ to ‘through the gate’: Understanding the common threads of resettlement policy failuresCracknell, M
16-Feb-2021Horizontal and vertical responsibilisation in the resettlement fieldCracknell, M
27-Aug-2023Degrowthers Gain Support as Planet Cooks. Can They Ally With Green New Dealers?Dale, G
1-Aug-2022Running on the treadmill: Practitioner experiences of mass supervisionCracknell, M
1-Jun-2022The Impact of Migration Bans on Female Nepalese CitizensBhagat, A
20-Jan-2021Labour migrants’ struggle to subvert anti-trafficking interventions in NepalBhagat, A
7-Jun-2023Forgotten survivor initiatives: the zombie projects of anti-traffickingBhagat, A
21-Jan-2022Trafficking bordersBhagat, A
4-Oct-2022“Who is not an agent here?”: The Collateral Damage of Anti-Trafficking in NepalBhagat, A
10-Jun-2021The rise of affectivismDukes, D; Abrams, K; Adolphs, R; Ahmed, ME; Beatty, A; Berridge, KC; Broomhall, S; Brosch, T; Campos, JJ; Clay, Z; Clément, F; Cunningham, WA; Damasio, A; Damasio, H; D’Arms, J; Davidson, JW; de Gelder, B; Deonna, J; de Sousa, R; Ekman, P; Ellsworth, PC; Fehr, E; Fischer, A; Foolen, A; Frevert, U; Grandjean, D; Gratch, J; Greenberg, L; Greenspan, P; Gross, JJ; Halperin, E; Kappas, A; Keltner, D; Knutson, B; Konstan, D; Kret, ME; LeDoux, JE; Lerner, JS; Levenson, RW; Loewenstein, G; Manstead, ASR; Maroney, TA; Moors, A; Niedenthal, P; Parkinson, B; Pavlidis, I; Pelachaud, C; Pollak, SD; Pourtois, G; Roettger-Roessler, B; Russell, JA; Sauter, D; Scarantino, A; Scherer, KR; Stearns, P; Stets, JE; Tappolet, C; Teroni, F; Tsai, J; Turner, J; Reekum, CV; Vuilleumier, P; Wharton, T; Sander, D
14-Mar-2023The diminishing voice of the probation serviceCracknell, M
16-Mar-2023Prisoners Abroad Resettlement Service: Housing Security and Lessons for ProbationCracknell, M; Ward, J
3-May-2019The Englishness of British Cinema: Beyond the Valley of the CorndolliesPetley, J
15-Jun-2023Come off it, OfcomBarnett, S; Petley, J
13-Aug-2023Deen and Dunya: Islam, street spirituality, crime and redemption in English road cultureReid, E; Ilan, J
30-May-2023UNSCOP and the Arab–Israeli conflict: the road to partitionHughes, M
22-Aug-2023Every Day I Write the Book Geoculture as Dominant Ideology in the Twenty-First CenturyWilkin, P
29-Jan-2021Ron JohnstonFisher, J; Pattie, C
1-Dec-2018The Cultural Value of Shakespeare Lives 2016 Research ReportGillespie, M; Cheesman, M; Dennis, J; Ji, L; Kazakov, I; Lvov, I; Nieto, E; O'Loughlin, B; Aslan Ozgul, B; Shriem, N; Thiel, S; Willis, A; Wilding, C
9-Aug-2023Diverse values of nature for sustainabilityPascual, U; Balvanera, P; Anderson, CB; Chaplin-Kramer, R; Christie, M; González-Jiménez, D; Martin, A; Raymond, CM; Termansen, M; Vatn, A; Athayde, S; Baptiste, B; Barton, DN; Jacobs, S; Kelemen, E; Kumar, R; Lazos, E; Mwampamba, TH; Nakangu, B; O’Farrell, P; Subramanian, SM; van Noordwijk, M; Ahn, S; Amaruzaman, S; Amin, AM; Arias-Arévalo, P; Arroyo-Robles, G; Cantú-Fernández, M; Castro, AJ; Contreras, V; De Vos, A; Dendoncker, N; Engel, S; Eser, U; Faith, DP; Filyushkina, A; Ghazi, H; Gómez-Baggethun, E; Gould, RK; Guibrunet, L; Gundimeda, H; Hahn, T; Harmáčková, ZV; Hernández-Blanco, M; Horcea-Milcu, A-I; Huambachano, M; Wicher, NLH; Aydın, Cİ; Islar, M; Koessler, A-K; Kenter, JO; Kosmus, M; Lee, H; Leimona, B; Lele, S; Lenzi, D; Lliso, B; Mannetti, LM; Merçon, J; Monroy-Sais, AS; Mukherjee, N; Muraca, B; Muradian, R; Murali, R; Nelson, SH; Nemogá-Soto, GR; Ngouhouo-Poufoun, J; Niamir, A; Nuesiri, E; Nyumba, TO; Özkaynak, B; Palomo, I; Pandit, R; Pawłowska-Mainville, A; Porter-Bolland, L; Quaas, M; Rode, J; Rozzi, R; Sachdeva, S; Samakov, A; Schaafsma, M; Sitas, N; Ungar, P; Yiu, E; Yoshida, Y; Zent, E
10-Jul-2023Traffic logic, state strategies and free speech in an urban park: The Park Lane Road Improvement Scheme, London, 1955–1962Roberts, JM
26-Dec-2022Identifying opportunities to deliver effective and efficient outcomes from business-biodiversity actionWhite, TB; Mukherjee, N; Petrovan, SO; Sutherland, WJ
26-Jun-2023Multiaccentual coalitions, dialogic grief and carnivalesque assemblies: Judith Butler and Mikhail Bakhtin meet in the world of ethicsRoberts, JM
23-Jun-2023El Niño Is About to Accelerate the Global Climate Crisis. It’s Time for Action.Dale, G
30-Jun-2023The great acceleration: is it ending and what comes next?Dale, G
19-Apr-2021Shakespeare Lives on Twitter: cultural diplomacy in the digital ageAslan Ozgul, B; Nieto McAvoy, E; Gillespie, M; O’Loughlin, B
1-Dec-2016UK press coverage of the EU referendum (Report for the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford)Levy, D; Aslan, B; Bironzo, D
12-Oct-2022Dodo dilemmas: Conflicting ethical loyalties in conservation social science researchFair, H; Schreer, V; Keil, P; Kiik, L; Rust, N
30-Mar-2021Aesthetic Historism and the Aesthetics of Tidibe: Ritual, Performance, and Contested Perceptions of “Skin” in the Papuan HighlandsHirsch, E
23-Oct-2020Global Perspectives on Religion, Media and Public ScholarshipHutchings, T; Asamoah-Gyadu, K; Evolvi, G; Han, S
22-Jan-2021Han and/as Ressentiment: Lessons from Minjung TheologyHan, S
1-Feb-2023On the mobility of ghosts: spectral journeys in the South African lowveldNiehaus, I
1-Dec-2021Gluckman’s LegacyNiehaus, I
1-Mar-2021Selfies and self-fictions calibrating co-presence in and of ‘the field’Chua, L
24-Apr-2023The effect of sustainable mobility transition policies on cumulative urban transport emissions and energy demandWinkler, L; Pearce, D; Nelson, J; Babacan, O
25-Apr-2023Values and candidate evaluation: How voters respond to allegations of sexual harassmentSavani, M; Collignon, S
24-Apr-2023Navigations of National Belonging: Legal Reintegration after the Return of Alsace to France, 1918–39Carrol, A
28-Apr-2023The regulation of political finance. Choppier waters ahead?Fisher, J
12-May-2011Parties heed (with caution): Public knowledge of and attitudes towards party finance in BritainVanHeerde-Hudson, J; Fisher, JT
5-May-2023Racializing space, spatializing “race”: racialization, its urban spatialization, and the making of “Northeastern” identity in “world class” DelhiRai, R
27-Feb-2023Holding it all together and picking up the pieces: Women’s experiences of gambling and crimeTrebilcock, J
28-May-2023#ButNotMaternity: Analysing Instagram posts of reproductive politics under pandemic crisisDe Benedictis, S; Mendes, K
15-Nov-2019Childbirth on television: a scoping review and recommendations for further researchRoberts, J; De Benedictis, S
2-Apr-2023Performing pregnancy: Comic content, critique and ambivalence in pregnant stand-up comedyLockyer, S; De Benedictis, S
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 131 to 180 of 996