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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Feb-2023Effective quality control in the medical literature: investigation and retraction vs inactionWilliams, ACDC; Hearn, L; Moore, RA; Stewart, G; Fisher, E; Eccleston, C; O'Connell, NE
13-Jul-2023Trials we cannot trust: investigating their impact on systematic reviews and clinical guidelines in spinal painO'Connell, NE; Moore, RA; Stewart, G; Fisher, E; Hearn, L; Eccleston, C; Wewege, M; Williams, ACDC
9-Jun-2023Characteristics of retracted publications related to pain research: a systematic reviewFerraro, MC; Moore, RA; Williams, ACC; Fisher, E; Stewart, G; Ferguson, MC; Eccleston, C; O'Connell, NE