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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Effects of inspiratory muscle training upon recovery time during high intensity, repetitive sprint activityRomer, LM; McConnell, AK; Jones, DA
2016Assessing the efficacy of nurse led approach to guideline implementation - outcomes from a 5 year community based cardiovascular disease prevention programmeGibson, I; Jones, J; Walsh, AM; Kerins, C; Costello, C; Dunne, D; Connolly, S; Crowley, J; Flaherty, G
2011Non-random organization of the Biomphalaria glabrata genome in interphase Bge cells and the spatial repositioning of activated genes in cells co-cultured with Schistosoma mansoniKnight, M; Ittiprasert, W; Odoemelam, EC; Adema, CM; Miller, A; Raghavan, N; Bridger, JM
2017Limitations of the DiaRem Score in Predicting Remission of Diabetes Following Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) in an ethnically Diverse Population from a Single Institution in the UKTharakan, G; Scott, R; Szepietowski, O; Miras, AD; Blakemore, AI; Purkayastha, S; Ahmed, A; Chahal, H; Tan, T
2015PDGFR alpha demarcates the cardiogenic clonogenic Sca1(+) stem/progenitor cell in adult murine myocardiumNoseda, M; Harada, M; McSweeney, S; Leja, T; Belian, E; Stuckey, DJ; Paiva, MSA; Habib, J; Macaulay, I; de Smith, AJ; al-Beidh, F; Sampson, R; Lumbers, RT; Rao, P; Harding, SE; Blakemore, AIF; Jacobsen, SE; Barahona, M; Schneider, MD
2013Are lay people good at recognising the symptoms of schizophrenia?Erritty, P; Wydell, TN
2012Identifying the mechanisms underpinning recognition of structured sequences of actionNorth, JS; Hope, ER; Williams, AM
2008Small Deletion Variants Have Stable Breakpoints Commonly Associated with Alu Elementsde Smith, AJ; Walters, RG; Coin, LJM; Steinfeld, I; Yakhini, Z; Sladek, R; Froguel, P; Blakemore, AIF
2010A new highly penetrant form of obesity due to deletions on chromosome 16p11.2Walters, RG; Jacquemont, S; Valsesia, A; de Smith, AJ; Martinet, D; Andersson, J; Falchi, M; Chen, F; Andrieux, J; Lobbens, S; Delobel, B; Stutzmann, F; Moustafa, JSE-S; Chevre, J-C; Lecoeur, C; Vatin, V; Bouquillon, S; Buxton, JL; Boute, O; Holder-Espinasse, M; Cuisset, J-M; Lemaitre, M-P; Ambresin, A-E; Brioschi, A; Gaillard, M; Giusti, V; Fellmann, F; Ferrarini, A; Hadjikhani, N; Campion, D; Guilmatre, A; Goldenberg, A; Calmels, N; Mandel, J-L; Le Caignec, C; David, A; Isidor, B; Cordier, M-P; Dupuis-Girod, S; Labalme, A; Sanlaville, D; Beri-Dexheimer, M; Jonveaux, P; Leheup, B; Ounap, K; Bochukova, EG; Henning, E; Keogh, J; Ellis, RJ; MacDermot, KD; van Haelst, MM; Vincent-Delorme, C; Plessis, G; Touraine, R; Philippe, A; Malan, V; Mathieu-Dramard, M; Chiesa, J; Blaumeiser, B; Kooy, RF; Caiazzo, R; Pigeyre, M; Balkau, B; Sladek, R; Bergmann, S; Mooser, V; Waterworth, D; Reymond, A; Vollenweider, P; Waeber, G; Kurg, A; Palta, P; Esko, T; Metspalu, A; Nelis, M; Elliott, P; Hartikainen, A-L; McCarthy, MI; Peltonen, L; Carlsson, L; Jacobson, P; Sjostrom, L; Huang, N; Hurles, ME; O'Rahilly, S; Farooqi, IS; Maennik, K; Jarvelin, M-R; Pattou, F; Meyre, D; Walley, AJ; Coin, LJM; Blakemore, AIF; Froguel, P; Beckmann, JS
2014Designing effective visualizations of habits data to aid clinical decision makingde Folter, J; Gokalp, H; Fursse, J; Sharma, U; Clarke, M