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Results 1-10 of 63 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Should we abandon cervical spine manipulation for mechanical neck pain? YesWand, BM; Heine, PJ; O'Connell, NE
2012Rethinking clinical trials of transcranial direct current stimulation: Participant and assessor blinding is inadequate at intensities of 2mAO'Connell, NE; Cossar, J; Marston, L; Wand, BM; Bunce, D; Moseley, GL; De Souza, LH
2011Cortical changes in chronic low back pain: Current state of the art and implications for clinical practiceWand, BM; Parkitny, L; O'Connell, NE; Luomajoki, H; Thacker, M; Moseley, GL; McAuley, JH
2014Lumbar tactile acuity is near identical between sides in healthy pain-free participantsWand, BM; Catley, MJ; Luomajoki, HA; O'Sullivan, KJ; Di Pietro, F; O'Connell, NE; Moseley, GL
2014Is tactile acuity altered in people with chronic pain? A systematic review and meta-analysisCatley, MJ; O'Connell, NE; Berryman, C; Ayhan, FF; Moseley, GL
2014Lumbar tactile acuity is near identical between sides in healthy pain-free participantsWand, BM; Catley, MJ; Luomajoki, HA; O'Sullivan, KJ; Di Pietro, F; O'Connell, NE; Moseley, GL
2015Finding the balance in complex regional pain syndrome. Expertise, optimism, and evidenceMoseley, GL; O'Connell, NE
2007Mapping the cortical representation of the lumbar paravertebral musclesO'Connell, NE; Maskill, DW; Cossar, J; Nowicky, AV
2013Breathing exercises for dysfunctional breathing/hyperventilation syndrome in adultsJones, M; Harvey, A; Marston, L; O'Connell, NE
2014Assessing self-perception in patients with chronic low back pain: Development of a back-specific body-perception questionnaireWand, BM; James, M; Abbaszadeh, S; George, PJ; Formby, PM; Smith, AJ; O'Connell, NE