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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Resistance Training for Rehabilitation after Burn Injury: A Systematic Literature Review & Meta-AnalysisGittings, P; Gisbrook, T; Edgar, DW; Wood, FM; Wand, BM; O'Connell, NE
2017Current practice in the rehabilitation of complex regional pain syndrome: A survey of practitionersMiller, C; Williams, M; Heine, P; O'Connell, NE; Williamson, E
2017Defensive reflexes in people with pain – a biomarker of the need to protect? A meta-analytical systematic reviewWallwork, SB; Grabherr, L; O'Connell, NE; Catley, MJ; Moseley, GL
2017Exercise interventions for cerebral palsyRyan, JM; Cassidy, EE; Noorduyn, SG; O'Connell, NE
2017Twin peaks? No evidence of bimodal distribution of outcomes in clinical trials of non-surgical interventions for spinal pain: An exploratory analysis.O'Connell, NE; Kamper, SJ; Stevens, ML; Li, Q
17-Nov-2017Altered primary motor cortex structure, organisation and function in chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysisChang, WJ; O'Connell, NE; Beckencamp, PR; Alhassani, G; Liston, MB; Schabrun, SM