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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2-Aug-2022Effect of graded sensorimotor retraining on pain intensity in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trialBagg, MK; Wand, BM; Cashin, AG; Lee, H; Hubscher, M; Stanton, TR; O'Connell, NE; O'Hagan, ET; Rizzo, RRN; Wewege, MA; Rabey, M; Goodall, S; Saing, S; Lo, SN; Luomajoki, H; Herbert, RD; Maher, CG; Moseley, GL; McAuley, JH
18-May-2022What is the evidence for efficacy, effectiveness and safety of surgical interventions for plantar fasciopathy? A systematic review.MacRae, CS; Roche, AJ; Sinnett, TJ; O'Connell, NE
25-Apr-2022Investigating the veracity of a sample of divergent published trial data in spinal painO'Connell, NE; Moore, RA; Stewart, G; Fisher, E; Hearn, L; Eccleston, C; Williams, ACDC
16-May-2022Understanding prescribed dose in hand strengthening exercise for rheumatoid arthritis: A secondary analysis of the SARAH trialBoniface, G; Sanchez-Santos, ME; Norris, M; O'Connell, NE; Williamson, E; Lamb, SE
17-May-2022Physiotherapy for pain and disability in adults with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) types I and IISmart, KM; Ferraro, MC; Wand, BM; O'Connell, NE