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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 51 to 100 of 2172
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Apr-2024Investigating Trainee Perspectives on Virtual Reality Environments: An In-Depth Examination of Immersive Experiences with Haptic Feedback VibrationXanthidou, OK; Aburumman, N; Ben-Abdallah, H
1-Sep-2021Bayesboost: Identifying and Handling Bias Using Synthetic Data GeneratorsDraghi, B; Wang, Z; Myles, P; Tucker, A
21-Feb-2024Deep Learning in Virtual Try-On: A Comprehensive SurveyIslam, T; Miron, A; Liu, X; Li, Y
23-Jun-2023A Novel Multi-Objective Optimization Approach with Flexible Operation Planning Strategy for Truck SchedulingWang, Y; Liu, W; Wang, C; Fadzil, F; Lauria, S; Liu, X
27-Mar-2023A Survey of Algorithms, Applications and Trends for Particle Swarm OptimizationFang, J; Liu, W; Chen, L; Lauria, S; Miron, A; Liu, X
27-Dec-2022Inaugural Issue for International Journal of Network Dynamics and IntelligenceWang, Z
26-Mar-2024Analysing the effect of a dynamic physical environment network on the travel dynamics of forcibly displaced persons in MaliBoesjes, F; Jahani, A; Ooink , B; Groen, D
21-Mar-2024EEG-based functional connectivity analysis of brain abnormalities: A systematic review studyKhaleghi, N; Hashemi, S; Peivandi, M; Zafarmandi Ardabili, S; Behjati, M; Sheykhivand, S; Danishvar, S
9-Apr-2024The role of fintech startups and big banks in shaping trust expectations from blockchain use in mainstream financial marketsKaniadakis, A; Foster, P
19-Mar-2024Recursive State Estimation for Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems With Binary Sensors: A Locally Minimized Variance ApproachHuang, Y-B; Wang, Z; He, Y; Wu, M
26-Mar-2024PyCoM: a python library for large-scale analysis of residue-residue coevolution dataBibik, P; Alibai, S; Pandini, A; Dantu, SC
29-May-2023Distributed Resilient State Estimation for Cyber-Physical Systems Against Bit Errors: A Zonotopic Set-Membership ApproachChen, W; Wang, Z; Hu, J; Dong, H; Liu, G-P
12-Jan-2024Anomaly-Resistant Decentralized State Estimation Under Minimum Error Entropy With Fiducial Points for Wide-Area Power SystemsQu, B; Wang, Z; Shen, B; Dong, H; Liu, H
9-Jan-2024Support-Sample-Assisted Domain Generalization via Attacks and Defenses: Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications to Pipeline Fault DiagnosisWang, C; Wang, Z; Liu, Q; Dong, H; Sheng, W
24-Jan-2024Privacy-Preserving Distributed Economic Dispatch of Microgrids Using Edge-Based Additive Perturbations: An Accelerated Consensus AlgorithmChen, W; Wang, Z; Hu, J; Han, Q-L; Liu, G-P
15-Jan-2024Quantized Distributed Economic Dispatch for Microgrids: Paillier Encryption–Decryption SchemeChen, W; Wang, Z; Ge, Q; Dong, H; Liu, G-P
20-Apr-2023Progressive attention integration-based multi-scale efficient network for medical imaging analysis with application to COVID-19 diagnosisXie, T; Wang, Z; Li, H; Wu, P; Huang, H; Zhang, H; Alsaadi, FE; Zeng, N
30-Jan-2024Efficient Predefined-Time Adaptive Neural Networks for Computing Time-Varying Tensor Moore–Penrose InverseQi, Z; Ning, Y; Xiao, L; Wang, Z; He, Y
23-Apr-2024'We’re not that Gullible!’ — Revealing Dark Pattern Mental Models of 11-12 Year-Old Scottish ChildrenRenaud, K; Sengul, C; Coopamootoo, K; Clift, B; Taylor, J; Springett, M; Morrison, B
20-Jan-2024Prop-oriented world rotation: enabling passive haptic feedback by aligning real and virtual objects in virtual realityWheeler, SG; Hoermann, S; Lindeman, RW; Ghinea, G; Covaci, A
12-Jun-2023Technology Enhanced Mulsemedia Learning (TEML) for Learners with DyslexiaMohana, M; Da Silveira, AC; Suvetha, V; Subashini, P; Ghinea, G; Santos, CAS
12-Jun-2023Welcome to SensoryX 2023Jost, C; Saade, DCM; Ghinea, G
12-Nov-2023A Preliminary Analysis of Software Metrics in Decentralised ApplicationsIbba, G; Khullar, S; Tesfai, E; Neykova, R; Aufiero, S; Ortu, M; Bartolucci, S; Destefanis, G
13-Feb-2024MindTheDApp: A Toolchain for Complex Network-Driven Structural Analysis of Ethereum-based Decentralised ApplicationsIbba, G; Aufiero, S; Bartolucci, S; Neykova, R; Ortu, M; Tonelli, R; Destefanis, G
4-Dec-2023Sub-Band Cascaded CSP-based Deep Transfer Learning for Cross-Subject Lower Limb Motor Imagery ClassificationWei, M; Yang, R; Huang, M; Ni, J; Wang, Z; Liu, X
2-Oct-2023sMRI-PatchNet: A Novel Efficient Explainable Patch-Based Deep Learning Network for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis With Structural MRIZhang, X; Han, L; Han, L; Chen, H; Dancey, D; Zhang, D
26-Jun-2024UNet and Variants for Medical Image SegmentationEhab, W; Huang, L; Li, Y
26-Feb-2024Performance Evaluation of Retinal OCT Fluid Segmentation, Detection and Generalisation over Variations of Data SourcesNdipenoch, N; Miron, A; Li, Y
31-Jan-2024Alexithymia, life satisfaction, depression and anxiety in black and ethnic minority communities in the UKAbdulSalam Winningah, A; Pereira, M
28-Feb-2024Performance Analysis for RIS-Assisted SWIPT-Enabled IoT SystemsZhang, B; Yang, K; Wang, K; Zhang, G
14-Feb-2024A Magnetic Helical Miniature Robot with Soft Magnetic-Controlled GripperZhu, A; Bai, C; Lu, X; Zhu, Y; Wang, K; Zhu, J
21-Sep-2014NiftySim: A GPU-based nonlinear finite element package for simulation of soft tissue biomechanicsJohnsen, SF; Taylor, ZA; Clarkson, MJ; Hipwell, J; Modat, M; Eiben, B; Han, L; Hu, Y; Mertzanidou, T; Hawkes, DJ; Ourselin, S
26-Dec-2023LOIS: Looking Out of Instance Semantics for Visual Question AnsweringZhang, S; Chen, Y; Sun, Y; Wang, F; Shi, H; Wang, H
23-Oct-2023Guidelines for conducting biofeedback-enhanced QoE studies in mulsemedia-enhanced virtual realitySilveira, A; Raisamo, R; Spyridonis, F; Covaci, A; Ghinea, G; Santos, CAS
2-Aug-2024Computational Argumentation-based Chatbots: A SurveyCastagna, F; Kökciyan, N; Sassoon, I; Parsons, S; Sklar, E
27-Jul-2023What do voters want from an online voting experience?: Results from user testing of a prototype i-voting appFisher, J; Savani, M; Spyridonis, F
1-Dec-2023The Development and Evaluation of the Platform for Online High-Level Cooperative GamesLiu, FL; Hong, GD; Shih, JL; Ghinea, G
15-Jun-2023MGEED: A Multimodal Genuine Emotion and Expression Detection DatabaseWang, Y; Yu, H; Gao, W; Xia, Y; Nduka, C
31-Oct-2018Conformational flexibility of histone variant CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> is regulated by histone H4: A mechanism to stabilize soluble Cse4Malik, N; Dantu, SC; Shukla, S; Kombrabail, M; Ghosh, SK; Krishnamoorthy, G; Kumar, A
13-Nov-2023Evaluating the Use of Interpretable Quantized Convolutional Neural Networks for Resource-Constrained DeploymentRogers, H; De La Iglesia, B; Zebin, T
1-Dec-2023Over-the-Air Federated Averaging with Limited Power and Privacy BudgetsYan, N; Wang, K; Pan, C; Chai, KK; Shu, F; Wang, J
31-Aug-2023Total and Minimum Energy Efficiency Tradeoff in Robust Multigroup Multicast Satellite CommunicationsJiang, B; Yan, Y; Zhao, J; Xiao, X; You, L; Zhang, D; Lei, J; Wang, K; Wang, W; Gao, X
23-Nov-2023Outage Constrained Robust Transmission Design for IRS-aided Secure Communications with Direct Communication LinksHong, S; Pan, C; Zhou, G; Ren, H; Wang, K
30-Jun-2020An Efficient Bar Code Image Recognition Algorithm for Sorting SystemZheng, D; Ran, Z; Liu, Z; Li, L; Tian, L
24-Nov-2023Comparing Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques for Text Analytics: Detecting the Severity of Hate Comments OnlineMarshan, A; Mohamed Nizar, FN; Ioannou, A; Spanaki, K
10-Jan-2024Identifying and handling data bias within primary healthcaredata using synthetic data generatorsDraghi, B; Wang, Z; Myles, P; Tucker, A
17-May-2023Dialectical Argument Game Proof Theories for Classical LogicCastagna, F
25-Sep-2023Regime-Specific Quant Generative Adversarial Network: A Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Regime-Specific Deepfakes of Financial Time SeriesHuang, A; Khushi, M; Suleiman, B
31-Mar-2022Vision-Language Transformer for Interpretable Pathology Visual Question AnsweringNaseem, U; Khushi, M; Kim, J
1-Jan-2023Individuals’ Inner Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Quantitative Comparison of Social Connections and Close Relationships between the UK and IndiaSpanoudaki, M; Otermans, PCJ; Aditya, D
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 51 to 100 of 2172