Browsing by Author Jouhara, H

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Showing results 95 to 114 of 168 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Investigation of the effects of thermal, oxidative and irradiation treatments on the behavior of poly(ethylene glycol) as a phase change material in thermal energy storage systemsJouhara, H; Ajji, Z
21-Nov-2017Investigation of warm gas clean-up of biofuel flue and producer gas using electrostatic precipitatorPoškas, R; Sirvydas, A; Poškas, P; Jouhara, H; Striūgas, N; Pedišius, N; Valinčius, V
15-Feb-2020Investigation on a full-scale Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger in the ceramics industry for waste heat recoveryJouhara, H; Bertrand, D; Axcell, B; Montorsi, L; Venturelli, M; Almahmoud, S; Milani, M; Ahmad, L; Chauhan, A
31-Jan-2023An investigation to identify the performance of cascade refrigeration system by adopting high-temperature circuit refrigerant R1233zd(E) over R161Patel, VK; Raja, BD; Prajapati, P; Parmar, L; Jouhara, H
2019Investigation, Development and Experimental Analyses of a Heat Pipe Based Battery Thermal Management SystemJouhara, H; Serey, N; Khordehgah, N; Bennett, R; Almahmoud, S; Lester, S
17-Jul-2020Latent Thermal Energy Storage Technologies and Applications: A ReviewJouhara, H; Żabnieńska-Góra, A; Khordehgah, N; Ahmad, D; Lipinski, T
25-Apr-2023Life cycle assessment of plastic waste and energy recoveryVlasopoulos, A; Malinauskaite, J; Żabnieńska-Góra, A; Jouhara, H
1-Feb-2023Low-temperature heat transfer mediums for cryogenic applicationsJouhara, H; Chauhan, A; Guichet, V; Delpech, B; Abdelkarem, MA; Olabi, AG; Trembley, J
2017Mathematical model of sulphate ion concentration in a closed cooling system of a power plantPaweł, R; Krzyżyńska, R; Szeliga, Z; Jouhara, H
2018Mechanical Response of a Lined Pipe Under Dynamic ImpactObeid, O; Alfano, G; Bahai, H; Jouhara, H
9-Jul-2022The modeling of transient phase changes of water droplets in flue gas flow in the range of temperatures characteristic of condensing economizer technologiesMiliauskas, G; Puida, E; Poškas, R; Poškas, P; Balčius, A; Jouhara, H
Dec-2020Modeling radionuclide migration from activated metallic waste disposal in a generic geological repository in LithuaniaGrigaliūnienė, D; Poškas, R; Kilda, R; Jouhara, H; Poškas, P
2009Modelling and simulation techniques for forced convection heat transfer in heat sinks with rectangular finsJouhara, H; Axcell, BP
2019Modelling of decay heat removal from CONSTOR RBMK-1500 casks during long-term storage of spent nuclear fuelPoškas, R; Šimonis, V; Jouhara, H; Poškas, P
18-Apr-2023Modelling of the fire impact on CONSTOR RBMK-1500 cask thermal behavior in the open interim storage sitePoškas, R; Račkaitis, K; Poškas, P; Jouhara, H
22-Mar-2023Multi objective ecological optimization of an irreversible Stirling cryogenic refrigerator cyclePrajapati, P; Patel,V; Raja, BD; Jouhara, H
23-Sep-2024Multi-objective optimisation of hybrid renewable energy systems for Colombian non-interconnected zonesTorres-Madroñero, JL; Nieto-Londoño, C; Arenas-Castiblanco, E; Zapata-Benabithe, Z; Jouhara, H
2017Municipal Waste Management and Waste-to-Energy in the Context of a Circular Economy and Energy Recycling in EuropeMalinauskaite, J; Jouhara, H; Czajczyńska, D; Stanchev, P; Katsou, E; Rostkowsk, P; Thorne, RJ; Colón, J; Ponsá, S; Al-Mansour, F; Anguilano, L; Krzyżyńska, R; López, IC; Vlasopoulos, A; Spencer, N
30-Jul-2017Municipal waste management systems for domestic useJouhara, H; Czajczyńska, D; Ghazal, H; Krzyżyńska, R; Anguilano, L; Reynolds, AJ; Spencer, N
2015New Technologies for Seawater Desalination using Nuclear EnergyJouhara, H; Khamis, I