Browsing by Author Karteris, E

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Showing results 34 to 53 of 92 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Functional Cardiac Orexin Receptors: Role of Orexin-B/Orexin 2 Receptor in Myocardial Protection.Karteris, E; Patel, VH; Chen, J; Kyrou, I; Mattu, H; Dimitriadis, G; Rodrigo, G; Antoniades, C; Antonopoulos, A; Tan, B; Hillhouse, E; Ng, A; Randeva, H
2014Heterodimerization of apelin receptor and neurotensin receptor 1 induces phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and cell proliferation via Gαq-mediated mechanismBai, B; Cai, X; Jiang, Y; Karteris, E; Chen, J; Chen, J
20-Dec-2021Host cell entry mediators implicated in the cellular tropism of SARS‑CoV‑2, the pathophysiology of COVID‑19 and the identification of microRNAs that can modulate the expression of these mediators (Review)Katopodis, P; Randeva, HS; Spandidos, DA; Saravi, S; Kyrou, I; Karteris, E
21-Dec-2016Human C1q Induces Apoptosis in an Ovarian Cancer Cell Line via Tumor Necrosis FactorKaur, A; Sultan, SHA; Murugaiah, V; Pathan, AA; Alhamlan, F; Karteris, E; Kishore, U
2014The human myometrium differentially expresses mTOR signalling components before and during pregnancy: Evidence for regulation by progesteroneFoster, HA; Davies, J; Pink, RC; Turkcigdem, S; Goumenou, A; Carter, DR; Saunders, NJ; Thomas, P; Karteris, E
2024The identification and evaluation of novel biomarkers for epithelial ovarian cancerFilipe, Alice Madeira Williams
10-Aug-2020Identification of Cancer-Associated Circulating Cells in Anal Cancer PatientsCarter, TJ; Jeyaneethi, J; Kumar, J; Karteris, E; Glynne-Jones, R; Hall, M
8-Nov-2017Identification of novel cancer biomarkers of prognostic value using specific gene regulatory networks (GRN): a novel role of RAD51AP1 for ovarian and lung cancersChudasama, D; Bo, V; Hall, M; Anikin, V; Jeyaneethi, J; Gregory, J; Pados, G; Tucker, A; Harvey, A; Pink, R; Karteris, E
5-May-2021Identification of Potential Bisphenol A (BPA) Exposure Biomarkers in Ovarian CancerZahra, A; Dong, Q; Hall, M; Jeyaneethi, J; Silva, E; Karteris, E; Sisu, C
2022Identification of potential Bisphenol A (BPA) exposure biomarkers in ovarian cancer and to predict the consequences of SNPs on biomarkers of ovarian cancerZahra, Aeman
4-Aug-2023Identification of RAD51 foci in cancer-associated circulating cells of patients with high-grade serous ovarian cancer: Association with treatment outcomesAlizzi, Z; Saravi, S; Khalique, S; Mcdonald, T; Karteris, E; Hall, M
2013Immune system function, stress, exercise and nutrition profile can affect pregnancy outcome: Lessons from a Mediterranean cohortMparmpakas, D; Goumenou, A; Zachariades, E; Pados, G; Gidron, Y; Karteris, E
10-May-2022Impact of environmentally relevant concentrations of Bisphenol A (BPA) on the gene expression profile in an in vitro model of the normal human ovaryZahra, A; Kerslake, R; Kyrou, I; Randeva, HS; Sisu, C; Karteris, E
24-Nov-2020In silico and in vitro analysis of lncRNA XIST reveals a panel of possible lung cancer regulators and a five-gene diagnostic signatureKatopodis, P; Dong, Q; Halai, H; Fratila, CI; Polychronis, A; Anikin, V; Sisu, C; Karteris, E
30-Jan-2024In Silico and In Vitro Mapping of Receptor-Type Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type D in Health and Disease: Implications for Asprosin Signalling in Endometrial Cancer and NeuroblastomaOrton, S; Karkia, R; Mustafov, D; Gharanei, S; Braoudaki, M; Filipe, A; Panfilov, S; Saravi, S; Khan, N; Kyrou, I; Karteris, E; Chatterjee, J; Randeva, HS
2-Feb-2022In Silico Study to predict the structural and functional consequences of SNPs on biomarkers of ovarian cancer (OC) and BPA exposure-associated OCZahra, A; Hall, M; Chatterjee, J; Sisu, C; Karteris, E
2016Inertia based microfluidic capture and characterisation of circulating tumour cells for the diagnosis of lung cancerChudasama, DY; Freydina, MB; Freidin, MB; Leung, M; Fernandez, AM; Rice, A; Nicholson, AG; Karteris, E; Anikin, V; Lim, E
2016Innate immune molecules in preterm birth and diseaseSotiriadis, Georgios
2010Internalisation of membrane progesterone receptor-α after treatment with progesterone: Potential involvement of a clathrin-dependent pathwayFoster, H; Reynolds, A; Stenbeck, G; Dong, J; Thomas, P; Karteris, E
2018Investigating the effects of bisphenol a on the human placentade Aguiar Greca, Sophie-Christine