Browsing by Author Ding, Y

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Bidirectional optimization of the melting spinning processLiang, X; Ding, Y; Wang, Z; Hao, K; Hone, K; Wang, H
2-Jul-2024Carburization-induced surface modification of Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy and its characterizationIsmail, MA; Anwar, M; Singh, JK; Lee, H-S; Meng, Y; Kuang, C; Zhang, M; Ning, Q; Ding, Y; Zhang, J
13-Apr-2021A Data Driven Approach to Robust Event Detection in Smart Grids Based on Random Matrix Theory and Kalman FilteringHan, F; Ashton, P; Li, M; Pisica, I; Taylor, G; Rawn, B; Ding, Y
15-Oct-2020Economic-Effective Multi-Energy Management Considering Voltage Regulation Networked with Energy HubsZhao, P; Gu, C; Cao, Z; Hu, Z; Zhang, X; Chen, X; Hernando-Gil, I; Ding, Y
2016Influence of paste thickness on the coated aggregates on properties of high-density sulphoaluminate cement concreteSun, K; Zhou, X; Gong, C; Ding, Y; Lu, L
17-Jan-2022Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis on Hybrid Air Bearing-Rotor System under Ultra-High Speed ConditionSong, L; Yuan, G; Zhang, H; Ding, Y; Cheng, K
17-Apr-2018Operating Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems Considering Flexible Reserve Provider in Demand SideJia, H; Ding, Y; Song, Y; Singh, C; Li, M
25-Feb-2022The Stability of Spiral-Grooved Air Journal Bearings in Ultrahigh SpeedsSong, L; Yuan, G; Zhang, H; Ding, Y; Cheng, K
2011Structure – Property relationships for nanofluidsSong, P; Witharana, S; Ding, Y; 3rd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2011)