Browsing by Author Doherty, P

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Jun-2024Association of latent class analysis-derived multimorbidity clusters with adverse health outcomes in patients with multiple long-term conditions: comparative results across three UK cohortsKrauth, SJ; Steell, L; Ahmed, S; McIntosh, E; Dibben, GO; Hanlon, P; Lewsey, J; Nicholl, BI; McAllister, DA; Smith, SM; Evans, R; Ahmed, Z; Dean, S; Greaves, C; Barber, S; Doherty, P; Gardiner, N; Ibbotson, T; Jolly, K; Ormandy, P; Simpson, SA; Taylor, RS; Singh, SJ; Mair, FS; Jani, BD
29-Apr-2024Evidence for exercise-based interventions across 45 different long-term conditions: an overview of systematic reviewsDibben, GO; Gardiner, L; Young, HML; Wells, V; Evans, RA; Ahmed, Z; Barber, S; Dean, S; Doherty, P; Gardiner, N; Greaves, C; Ibbotson, T; Jani, BD; Jolly, K; Mair, FS; McIntosh, E; Ormandy, P; Simpson, SA; Ahmed, S; Krauth, SJ; Steell, L; Singh, SJ; Taylor, RS; Begum, S; DeBarros, C; Davies, F; Sterniczuk, K; Kumar, R; Longley, R; Freeman, A; Lalseta, J; Ashby, P; Van Grieken, M; Grace Elder, D
Jan-2019Standards and core components for cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitationCowie, A; Buckley, J; Doherty, P; Furze, G; Hayward, J; Hinton, S; Jones, J; Speck, L; Dalal, H; Mills, J