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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2008 | Activation of ATP/UTP-selective receptors increases blood flow and blunts sympathetic vasoconstriction in human skeletal muscle | Rosenmeier, JB; Yegutkin, GG; González-Alonso, J |
2015 | Blood temperature and perfusion to exercising and non-exercising human limbs. | González-Alonso, J; Calbet, JA; Boushel, R; Helge, JW; Søndergaard, H; Munch-Andersen, T; van Hall, G; Mortensen, SP; Secher, N |
2016 | Circulating microvesicles: responses to exercise and heat stress, and their impact upon human endothelial cells | Wilhelm Neto, Eurico Nestor |
2017 | Common carotid artery diameter, blood flow velocity and wave intensity responses at rest and during exercise in young healthy humans – A reproducibility study | Pomella, N; Wilhelm, EN; Kolyva, C; González-Alonso, J; Rakobowchuk, M; Khir, AW |
2015 | Dehydration accelerates reductions in cerebral blood flow during prolonged exercise in the heat without compromising brain metabolism | Trangmar, SJ; Chiesa, ST; Llodio, I; Garcia, B; Kalsi, K; Secher, NH; González-Alonso, J |
2014 | Dehydration affects cerebral blood flow but not its metabolic rate for oxygen during maximal exercise in trained humans | Trangmar, SJ; Chiesa, ST; Stock, CG; Kalsi, KK; Secher, NH; González-Alonso, J |
2006 | Effects of blood withdrawal and reinfusion on biomarkers of erythropoiesis in humans: Implications for anti-doping strategies | Damsgaard, R; Munch, T; Mørkeberg, J; Mortensen, SP; González-Alonso, J |
4-Sep-2020 | Exercise heat acclimation has minimal effects on left ventricular volumes, function and systemic hemodynamics in euhydrated and dehydrated trained humans | Travers, G; González-Alonso, J; Riding, NR; Nichols, D; Shaw, A; Periard, JD |
12-Nov-2021 | Exercise Heat Acclimation With Dehydration Does Not Affect Vascular and Cardiac Volumes or Systemic Hemodynamics During Endurance Exercise | Travers, G; González-Alonso, J; Riding, N; Nichols, D; Shaw, A; Périard, JD |
1-Nov-2016 | Exercise intensity modulates the appearance of circulating microvesicles with pro-angiogenic potential upon endothelial cells. | Wilhelm, EN; González-Alonso, J; Parris, C; Rakobowchuk, M |
2008 | Haemodynamic responses to exercise, ATP infusion and thigh compression in humans: insight into the role of muscle mechanisms on cardiovascular function | González-Alonso, J; Mortensen, SP; Jeppesen, TD; Ali, L; Barker, H; Damsgaard, R; Secher, NH; Dawson, EA; Dufour, SP |
26-Feb-2020 | Heat Acclimation with Controlled Heart Rate | Travers, G; Nichols, D; Riding, N; González-Alonso, J; Périard, JD |
22-Dec-2018 | Heat, Hydration and the Human Brain, Heart and Skeletal Muscles | Trangmar, SJ; González-Alonso, J |
1-May-2024 | Heat-related changes in the velocity and kinetic energy of flowing blood influence the human heart's output during hyperthermia | Watanabe, K; Koch Esteves, N; Gibson, OR; Akiyama, K; González-Alonso, J |
7-Mar-2019 | Integrative human cardiovascular responses to hyperthermia | Chiesa, S; Trangmar, S; Watanabe, K; González-Alonso, J |
2015 | Local temperature-sensitive mechanisms are important mediators of limb tissue hyperemia in the heat-stressed human at rest and during small muscle mass exercise. | Chiesa, ST; Trangmar, SJ; Kalsi, KK; Rakobowchuk, M; Banker, DS; Lotlikar, MD; Ali, L; González-Alonso, J |
Feb-2017 | Mechanisms for the control of local tissue blood flow during thermal interventions: influence of temperature-dependent ATP release from human blood and endothelial cells | Kalsi, KK; Chiesa, ST; Trangmar, SJ; Ali, L; Lotlikar, MD; González-Alonso, J |
4-Jun-2019 | New ideas about hydration and its impact on the athlete's brain, heart and muscles | González-Alonso, J |
1-Aug-2018 | Noninvasive Assessment of the Common Carotid Artery Hemodynamics with Increasing Exercise Workrate Using Wave Intensity Analysis | Pomella, N; Wilhelm, EN; Kolyva, C; González-Alonso, J; Rakobowchuk, M; Khir, AW |
24-Jan-2022 | Physiological function during exercise and environmental stress in humans: An integrative view of body systems and homeostasis | Travers, G; Kippelen, P; Trangmar, S; González-Alonso, J |