Browsing by Author Karteris, E

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 93  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-Aug-2022ACBD3 bioinformatic analysis and protein expression in breast cancer cellsHoughton-Gisby, J; Kerslake, R; Karteris, E; Mokbel, K; Harvey, AJ
2025Alterations in Interphase Chromosome Positioning and Nuclear Myosin Iβ and VI in Ovarian Cancer Cells, and the Reversal of Cisplatin Chemo resistance upon knock-down of Nuclear Myosin IβSammy, A; Karteris, E; Riyahi, K; Bridger, J
2015Amplification efficiency and thermal stability of qPCR instrumentation: Current landscape and future perspectivesRogers-Broadway, KR; Karteris, E
23-Dec-2022Asprosin Exerts Pro-Inflammatory Effects in THP-1 Macrophages Mediated via the Toll-like Receptor 4 (TLR4) PathwayShabir, K; Gharanei, S; Orton, S; Patel, V; Chauhan, P; Karteris, E; Randeva, HS; Brown, JE; Kyrou, I
26-Aug-2021Canonical NF-κB promotes lung epithelial cell tumour growth by downregulating the metastasis suppressor CD82 and enhancing epithelial-to-mesenchymal cell transitionRoupakia, E; Chavdoula, E; Karpathiou, G; Vatsellas, G; Chatzopoulos, D; Mela, A; Gillette, JM; Kriegsmann, K; Kriegsmann, M; Batistatou, A; Goussia, A; Marcu, KB; Karteris, E; Klinakis, A; Kolettas, E
7-Sep-2021Circulating tumour cells and circulating cell-free DNA in lung cancer patients: A comparison between Thoracotomy and Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic SurgeryKatopodis, P; Anikin, V; Kishore, U; Carter, T; Hall, M; Asadi, N; Polychronis, A; Karteris, E
2010Congenital imperforate hymen with hydrocolpos and hydronephrosis associated with severe hydramnios and increase of maternal ovarian steroidogenic enzymesKarteris, E; Foster, H; Karamouti, M; Goumenou, A
26-Feb-2021COVID‑19 and SARS‑CoV‑2 host cell entry mediators: Expression profiling of TMRSS4 in health and diseaseKatopodis, P; Kerslake, R; Davies, J; Randeva, HS; Chatha, K; Hall, M; Spandidos, DA; Anikin, V; Polychronis, A; Robertus, JL; Kyrou, I; Karteris, E
2020Co‑expression of peripheral olfactory receptors with SARS‑CoV‑2 infection mediators: Potential implications beyond loss of smell as a COVID‑19 symptomKerslake, R; Hall, M; Randeva, H; Spandidos, D; Chatha, K; Kyrou, I; Karteris, E
2012Crucial cross-talk of interleukin-1β and progesterone in human choriocarcinomaZachariades, E; Mparmpakas, D; Thomas, P; Rand-Weaver, M; Karteris, E
4-Jan-2023Deciphering the Role of microRNA Mediated Regulation of Coronin 1C in Glioblastoma Development and MetastasisMustafov, D; Karteris, E; Braoudaki, M
25-Mar-2023Description of a Retrospective Cohort of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Patients with Brain Metastases: Evaluation of the Role of PARP Inhibitors in this SettingAlizzi, Z; Roxburgh, P; Cartwright, D; McLaren, A; Park, S; Jones, R; Greening, S; Hudson, E; Green, C; Gray, S; Khalique, S; Karteris, E; Hall, M
17-Jul-2019Detection of Abundant Non-Haematopoietic Circulating Cancer-Related Cells in Patients with Advanced Epithelial Ovarian CancerKumar, J; Chudasama, D; Charlotee, R; Kubista, M; Sjoback, R; Chatterjee, J; Anikin, V; Karteris, E; Hall, M
2018The Development and Characterisation of Everolimus Resistant Breast Cancer CellsHare, Stephen
15-Jun-2023Development of a dual energy CT based model to assess response to treatment in patients with high grade serous ovarian cancer: a pilot cohort studyAlizzi, Z; Gogbashian, A; Karteris, E; Hall, M
25-Sep-2022Diagnostic Accuracy of Liquid Biomarkers for the Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Endometrial Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisKarkia, R; Wali, S; Payne, A; Karteris, E; Chatterjee, J
2016Differential effects of rapalogues, dual kinase inhibitors on human ovarian carcinoma cells in vitroRogers-Broadway, KR; Chudasama, D; Pados, G; Tsolakidis, D; Goumenou, A; Hall, M; Karteris, E
31-Oct-2018Differential expression of mTOR components in endometriosis and ovarian cancer: Effects of rapalogues and dual kinase inhibitors on mTORC1 and mTORC2 stoichiometryRogers‑Broadway, KR; Kumar, J; Sisu, C; Wander, G; Mazey, E; Jeyaneethi, J; Pados, G; Tsolakidis, D; Klonos, E; Grunt, T; Hall, M; Chatterjee, J; Karteris, E
2010Differential expression of mTOR signalling components in drug resistance in ovarian cancerFoster, H; Coley, HM; Goumenou, A; Pados, G; Harvey, AJ; Karteris, E
11-May-2014Differential expression of placental glucocorticoid receptors and growth arrest-specific transcript 5 in term and preterm pregnancies: evidence for involvement of maternal stress.Mparmpakas, D; Zachariades, E; Sotiriadis, G; Goumenou, A; Harvey, AJ; Gidron, Y; Karteris, E