Browsing by Author Langdon, S

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-May-2015Acoustic scattering : high frequency boundary element methods and unified transform methodsChandler-Wilde, S; Langdon, S
17-Jul-2024An efficient frequency-independent numerical method for computing the far-field pattern induced by polygonal obstaclesGibbs, A; Langdon, S
1-Apr-2015A finite difference moving mesh method based on conservation for moving boundary problemsLee, TE; Baines, MJ; Langdon, S
16-Oct-2014A frequency-independent boundary element method for scattering by two-dimensional screens and aperturesHewett, DP; Langdon, S; Chandler-Wilde, SN
28-Jul-2020A high frequency boundary element method for scattering by a class of multiple obstaclesGibbs, A; Chandler-Wilde, S; Langdon, S; Moiola, A
21-Jun-2014A high frequency boundary element method for scattering by a class of nonconvex obstaclesChandler-Wilde, SN; Hewett, DP; Langdon, S; Twigger, A
27-Dec-2017A hybrid numerical–asymptotic boundary element method for high frequency scattering by penetrable convex polygonsGroth, SP; Hewett, DP; Langdon, S
5-Nov-2024A mathematical model for wind-generated particle-fluid flow fields with an application to the helicopter cloud problemNeedham, DJ; Langdon, S
21-Dec-2024Modelling visibility and surface deformation in particle-fluid flow fields generated by helicopter rotorsLangdon, S; Needham, DJ
21-Aug-2022Towards high frequency boundary element methods for multiple scatteringPhillips, O; Chandler-Wilde, S; Langdon, S
2-Mar-2016A transformation approach for efficient evaluation of oscillatory surface integrals arising in three-dimensional boundary element methodsHargreaves, JA; Lam, YW; Langdon, S
28-Jan-2009The Unsteady Flow of a Weakly Compressible Fluid in a Thin Porous Layer I: Two-Dimensional TheoryNeedham, DJ; Langdon, S; Busswell, GS; Gilchrist, JP