Browsing by Author Lawrie, JB

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Acoustic propagation in 3-D, rectangular ducts with flexible wallsLawrie, JB
2016Acoustic scattering in a waveguide with a height discontinuity bridged by a membrane: a tailored Galerkin approachLawrie, JB; Afzal, M
2017Acoustic scattering in circular cylindrical shells: a modal approach based on a generalised orthogonality relationPullen, Ryan Michael
2002Acoustic scattering in waveguides that are discontinuous in geometry and material propertyWarren, DP; Lawrie, JB; Mohamed, IM
2001Acoustic scattering in waveguides with smoothly-varying or discontinuous elastic boundariesGrant, Andrew
21-Dec-2022Analytic mode-matching for accurate handling of exceptional points in a lined acoustic waveguideLawrie, JB; Nennig, B; Perrey-Debain, E
2012Analytic mode-matching for acoustic scattering in three dimensional waveguides with flexible walls: Application to a triangular ductLawrie, JB
2007A brief historical perspective of the Wiener-Hopf techniqueLawrie, JB; Abrahams, ID
2012Comments on a class of orthogonality relations relevant to fluid-structure interactionLawrie, JB
13-Sep-2023Edge Resonance: Exact Results and Fresh InsightsLawrie, JB
2011Edge waves and resonance on elastic structures: An overviewLawrie, JB; Kaplunov, JD
1994Exact solution to a class of functional difference equations with application to a moving contact line flowLawrie, JB; King, AC
1996Hydrodynamic interaction of horizontal circular cylinders with a free-surfaceMoyo, Simiso
2-Oct-2021Mode coalescence and the Green’s function in a two-dimensional waveguide with arbitrary admittance boundary conditionsPerrey-Debain, E; Nennig, B; Lawrie, JB
2006Mode-matching without root-finding: Application to a dissipative silencerLawrie, JB; Kirby, R
2002Modelling dissipative silencers in HVAC ductsKirby, R; Lawrie, JB
2012On acoustic propagation in three-dimensional rectangular ducts with flexible walls and porous liningsLawrie, JB
2007On eigenfunction expansions associated with wave propagation along ducts with wave-bearing boundariesLawrie, JB
1995On the factorization of a class of Wiener-Hopf kernelsAbrahams, ID; Lawrie, JB
2006On tuning a reactive silencer by varying the position of an internal membraneLawrie, JB; Guled, IMM