Browsing by Author Miron, A

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Sep-2023Advanced Architectural Variations of nnUNetMcConnell, N; Ndipenoch, N; Cao, Y; Miron, A; Li, Y
21-Feb-2024Deep Learning in Virtual Try-On: A Comprehensive SurveyIslam, T; Miron, A; Liu, X; Li, Y
8-Aug-2024Dynamic Fashion Video Synthesis from Static ImageryIslam, T; Miron, A; Liu, X; Li, Y
2024Enhancing online clothing retail with generative AI: Innovations in virtual try-on and beyondIslam, Tasin
2023High-Risk Artificial Intelligence Systems under the European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act: Systemic Flaws and Practical ChallengesGikay, AA; Lau, PL; Sengul, C; Malin, B; Miron, A
16-Aug-2024Image-based virtual try-on: Fidelity and simplificationIslam, T; Miron, A; Liu, X; Li, Y
30-Apr-2021Intellirehabds (Irds)—a dataset of physical rehabilitation movementsMiron, A; Sadawi, N; Ismail, W; Hussain, H; Grosan, C
2019An overview of the two-phase solvent systems used in the countercurrent separation of phenylethanoid glycosides and iridoids and their biological relevanceLuca, SV; Miron, A; Ignatova, S; Skalicka-Woźniak, K
26-Feb-2024Performance Evaluation of Retinal OCT Fluid Segmentation, Detection and Generalisation over Variations of Data SourcesNdipenoch, N; Miron, A; Li, Y
16-Feb-2023Retinal Image Segmentation with Small DatasetsNdipenoch, N; Miron, A; Wang, Z; Li, Y
22-Oct-2022Simultaneous Segmentation of Layers and Fluids in Retinal OCT ImagesNdipenoch, N; Miron, A; Wang, Z; Li, Y
17-May-2024StyleVTON: A multi-pose virtual try-on with identity and clothing detail preservationIslam, T; Miron, A; Liu, X; Li, Y
27-Mar-2023A Survey of Algorithms, Applications and Trends for Particle Swarm OptimizationFang, J; Liu, W; Chen, L; Lauria, S; Miron, A; Liu, X
12-Dec-2022SVTON: Simplified Virtual Try-OnIslam, T; Miron, A; Liu, X; Li, Y
8-Jul-2024Transforming Digital Marketing with Generative AIIslam, T; Miron, A; Nandy, M; Choudrie, J; Liu, X; Li, Y
17-Apr-2020Using the Lexicon from Source Code to Determine Application DomainsCapiluppi, A; Ajienka, N; Ali, N; Arzoky, M; Counsell, S; Destefanis, G; Miron, A; Nagaria, B; Neykova, R; Shepperd, M; Swift, S; Tucker, A