Browsing by Author Ozbilgin, M

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Cinsellik ve Emek: Butler ve Bourdieu ile kazanımların kırılganlığını ve direnişi sorgulamakOzbilgin, M
10-Oct-2022Counterintuitive consequences of COVID-19 on healthcare workers: A meta-analysis of the relationship between work engagement and job satisfactionYildiz, B; Yildiz, T; Ozbilgin, M; Yildiz, H
22-Nov-2019The cultural impact of hidden curriculum on language learners: A review and some implications for curriculum designKamasak, R; Ozbilgin, M; Atay, D
12-Nov-2019The Duality of an Atypical Leader in Diversity Management: The Legitimization and Delegitimization of Diversity Beliefs in OrganizationsSamdanis, M; Ozbilgin, M
21-May-2021Examining the Mediating Role of Organisational Support on the Relationship between Organisational Cynicism and Turnover Intention in Technology Firms in IstanbulCicek, B; Turkmenoglu, MA; Ozbilgin, M
2016Examining the responses and coping mechanisms of food leaders in the face of challenges: A case from TurkeyTurkmenoglu, Mehmet
2024Exploring the complexities of black academic life in the UK using Bourdieu’s theory and critical race theoryScott, Daina
20-Sep-2024From managerialism to toxic leadership: The moderating effect of ethical climate in the healthcare sectorBulutlar, F; Kamasak, R; Palalar Alkan, D; Ozbilgin, M
1-Jun-2023FROM THE EDITORS—Migration Management: Introduction and OverviewGroutsis, D; Vassilopoulou, J; Ozbilgin, M; Fujimoto, Y; Mor Barak, M
2019The gate-keeper networks of power, and symbolic capital: Gender exclusion in the Professional Service Firms (UK and Europe)MacNeil, Christina Mary
2021Gender as symbolic capital and symbolic violence in leadership: the context of Saudi leadersAl Dubayan, May. Ahmad
31-Aug-2022How covid-19 spreads: Narratives, counter narratives, and social dramasGreenhalgh, T; Ozbilgin, M; Tomlinson, D
24-Sep-2021How does responsible leadership emerge? An emergentist perspectiveMeliou, E; Ozbilgin, M; Edwards, T
9-Nov-2021The impact of the hidden curriculum on international students in the context of a country with a toxic triangle of diversityBaykut, S; Erbil, C; Ozbilgin, M; Kamasak, R; Bağlama, SH
18-Jun-2019Moving from intersectional hostility to intersectional solidarity: Insights from LGBTQ individuals in TurkeyKamasak, R; Ozbilgin, M; Baykut, S; Yavuz, M
2-Mar-2022Neo-colonial hierarchies of knowledge in marketing: Toxic field and illusioYalkin, C; Ozbilgin, M
18-Jan-2019The ‘new’ migration for work phenomenon: The pursuit of emancipation and recognition in the context of workVassilopoulou, J; Ozbilgin, M; Groutsis, D; Kyriakidou, O
2023Oriental dance and dirty work: Individual coping strategies of oriental dancers from Casablanca and LondonMkhatri, Hiba
24-May-2021Orthodoxy, illusio, and playing the scientific game: a Bourdieusian analysis of infection control science in the COVID-19 pandemic [version 1; peer review: 1 approved]Greenhalgh, T; Ozbilgin, M; Contandriopoulos, D
22-Oct-2021Orthodoxy, illusio, and playing the scientific game: a Bourdieusian analysis of infection control science in the COVID-19 pandemicGreenhalgh, T; Ozbilgin, M; Contandriopoulos, D