Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
3-Jun-2023 | Assessment of Variability in Hydrological Droughts Using the Improved Innovative Trend Analysis Method | Ashraf, MS; Shahid, M; Waseem, M; Azam, M; Rahman, KU |
14-Jun-2022 | Comparison of machine learning and process-based SWAT model in simulating streamflow in the Upper Indus Basin | Rahman, KU; Pham, QB; Jadoon, KZ; Shahid, M; Kushwaha, DP; Duan, Z; Mohammadi, B; Khedher, KM; Anh, DT |
23-Jun-2022 | Development of Artificial Geochemical Filter to Treat Acid Mine Drainage for Safe Disposal of Mine Water in Salt Range Portion of Indus Basin—A Lab to Pilot Scale Study | Khan, AJ; Akhter, G; Ge, Y; Shahid, M; Rahman, KU |
15-Jan-2024 | Groundwater Age and Origin and Its Relation with Anthropogenic and Climatic Factors | Iqbal, U; Nabi, G; Iqbal, M; Masood, M; Arshed, AB; Saifullah, M; Shahid, M |
1-Mar-2023 | Non-monotonic changes in Asian Water Towers’ streamflow at increasing warming levels | Cui, T; Li, Y; Yang, L; Nan, Y; Li, K; Tudaji, M; Hu, H; Long, D; Shahid, M; Mubeen, A; He, Z; Yong, B; Lu, H; Li, C; Ni, G; Hu, C; Tian, F |
8-Mar-2023 | Soil Moisture to Runoff (SM2R): A Data-Driven Model for Runoff Estimation Across Poorly Gauged Asian Water Towers Based on Soil Moisture Dynamics | Li, X; Long, D; Slater, LJ; Moulds, S; Shahid, M; Han, P; Zhao, F |
17-Feb-2024 | Superiority of Dynamic Weights against Fixed Weights in Merging Multi-Satellite Precipitation Datasets over Pakistan | Ejaz, N; Khan, AH; Shahid, M; Zaman, K; Balkhair, KS; Alghamdi, KM; Rahman, KU; Shang, S |