Browsing by Author Song, H

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12-Oct-2023Back projection deep unrolling network for handwritten text image super resolutionSong, H; Ma, H; Si, Y; Gong, J; Meng, H; Lai, Y
25-Oct-2022Bayesian Estimation of Inverted Beta Mixture Models With Extended Stochastic Variational Inference for Positive Vector ClassificationLai, Y; Guan, W; Luo, L; Guo, Y; Song, H; Meng, H
18-Dec-2021Deformation and Failure Properties of High-Ni Lithium-ion Battery Under Axial LoadsWang, G; Zhang, S; Li, M; Wu, J; Wang, B; Song, H
2-Apr-2023Effect of Starch Type and Pre-Treatment on the Properties of Gelatin–Starch Foams Produced by Mechanical FoamingMartin Torrejon, V; Song, H; Wu, B; Luo, G; Song, J
30-Apr-2022Electrospun 1D and 2D Carbon and Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Piezoelectric NanocompositesSong, H; Song, W; Song, J-H; Martin Torrejon, V; Xia, Q
25-Oct-2021Extended variational inference for Dirichlet process mixture of Beta-Liouville distributions for proportional data modelingLai, Y; Guan, W; Luo, L; Ruan, Q; Ping, Y; Song, H; Meng, H; Pan, Y
17-Sep-2024Large Language Model-Based Wireless Network DesignQiu, K; Bakirtzis, S; Wassell, I; Song, H; Zhang, J; Wang, K
20-Feb-2024Multi-Cross Sampling and Frequency-Division Reconstruction for Image Compressed SensingSong, H; Gong, J; Meng, H; Lai, Y
1-Sep-2023Safety Performance and Failure Criteria of Lithium-Ion Batteries under Mechanical AbuseWang, G; Guo, X; Chen, J; Han, P; Su, Q; Guo, M; Wang, B; Song, H
28-May-2023SALSA-Net: Explainable Deep Unrolling Networks for Compressed SensingSong, H; Ding, Q; Gong, J; Meng, H; Lai, Y
4-Mar-2021Sparse Analysis Recovery via Iterative Cosupport Detection EstimationSong, H; Ren, X; Lai, Y; Meng, H
14-Feb-2022Sparse signal reconstruction via generalized two-stage thresholdingSong, H; Ai, Z; Lai, Y; Meng, H; Mao, Q
4-Apr-2019Thermoresponsive Stiffness Softening of Hierarchically Porous Nanohybrid Membranes Promotes Niches for Mesenchymal Stem Cell DifferentiationWu, L; Magaz, A; Darbyshire, A; Howkins, A; Reynolds, A; Boyd, IW; Song, H; Song, JH; Loizidou, M; Emberton, M; Birchall, M; Song, W
25-Jun-2021轴向压缩下圆柱形动力锂离子电池的性能 = Performance of Cylindrical Power Lithium-Ion Battery under Axial CompressionLi, M; Liu, X; Zhang, S; Song, H; Wang, G; Wang, B