Browsing by Author Tyler, CR

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Assessing the Sensitivity of Different Life Stages for Sexual Disruption in Roach (Rutilus rutilus) Exposed to Effluents from Wastewater Treatment WorksLiney, KE; Jobling, S; Shears, JA; Simpson, P; Tyler, CR
2011The consequences of feminization in breeding groups of wild fishHarris, CA; Hamilton, PB; Runnalls, TJ; Vinciotti, V; Henshaw, A; Hodgson, D; Coe, TS; Jobling, S; Tyler, CR; Sumpter, JP
6-Oct-2015Effects of Exposure to WwTW Effluents over Two Generations on Sexual Development and Breeding in Roach Rutilus rutilusHamilton, PB; Lange, A; Nicol, E; Bickley, LK; De-Bastos, ESR; Jobling, S; Tyler, CR
18-Aug-2023Endocrine disruption is reduced but still widespread in wild roach (Rutilus rutilus) living in English riversBaynes, A; Lange, A; Beresford, N; Bryden, E; Whitlock, K; Tyler, CR; Jobling, S
1999Estrogenic potency of effluent from two sewage treatment works in the United KingdomHarries, JE; Janbakhsh, A; Jobling, S; Matthiessen, P; Sumpter, JP; Tyler, CR
17-Jun-2022Feminizing Effects of Ethinylestradiol in Roach (Rutilus rutilus) Populations with Different Estrogenic Pollution Exposure HistoriesHamilton, PB; Baynes, A; Nicol, E; Harris, G; Webster, TMU; Beresford, N; Straszkiewicz, M; Jobling, S; Tyler, CR
21-Apr-2023Harnessing Modeling for Assessing the Population Relevance of Exposure to Endocrine‐Active ChemicalsHazlerigg, CRE; Mintram, KS; Tyler, CR; Weltje, L; Thorbek, P
2005Health effects in fish of long-term exposure to effluents from wastewater treatment worksThorpe, KL; Gross-Sorokin, M; Johnson, I; Brighty, G; Tyler, CR; Jobling, S
2006Health effects in fish of long-term exposure to effluents from wastewater treatment worksLiney, KE; Hagger, JA; Tyler, CR; Depledge, MH; Galloway, TS; Jobling, S
2006Introduction: The ecological relevance of chemically induced endocrine disruption in wildlifeJobling, S; Tyler, CR
23-Nov-2020Investigation into Adaptation in Genes Associated with Response to Estrogenic Pollution in Populations of Roach (Rutilus rutilus) Living in English RiversHamilton, PB; Lockyer, AE; Uren Webster, TM; Studholme, DJ; Paris, JR; Baynes, A; Nicol, E; Dawson, DA; Moore, K; Farbos, A; Jobling, S; Stevens, JR; Tyler, CR
30-Oct-2020Oestrogenic effects in wild fish: comparing contemporary and historical impacts: reportBaynes, A; Jobling, S; Lange, A; Tyler, CR
28-May-2019Pharmacology beyond the patient – The environmental risks of human drugsGunnarsson, L; Snape, JR; Verbruggen, B; Owen, SF; Kristiansson, E; Margiotta-Casaluci, L; Österlund, T; Hutchinson, K; Leverett, D; Marks, B; Tyler, CR
2014Populations of a cyprinid fish are self-sustaining despite widespread feminization of malesHamilton, PB; Nicol, E; De-Bastos, ESR; Williams, RJ; Sumpter, JP; Jobling, S; Stevens, JR; Tyler, CR
2005Predicted exposures to steroid estrogens in U.K. rivers correlate with widespread sexual disruption in wild fish populationsJobling, S; Williams, R; Johnson, A; Taylor, A; Gross-Sorokin, M; Nolan, M; Tyler, CR; van Aerle, R; Santos, E; Brighty, G
2006Predicted exposures to steroid estrogens in UK rivers correlate with widespread sexual disruption in wild fish populationsJobling, S; Williams, R; Johnson, A; Taylor, A; Gross-Sorokin, M; Nolan, M; Tyler, CR; Aerle, RV; Santos, E; Brighty, G
28-Aug-2024Predicting population-level impacts of projected climate heating on a temperate freshwater fishMintram, KS; Brown, AR; Maynard, SK; Thorbek, P; Tyler, CR
27-Feb-2019A restatement of the natural science evidence base on the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on wildlifeGodfray, HCJ; Stephens, AEA; Jepson, PD; Jobling, S; Johnson, AC; Matthiessen, P; Sumpter, JP; Tyler, CR; McLean, AR
2013Science and policy on endocrine disrupters must not be mixed: a reply to a "common sense" intervention by toxicology journal editorsBergman, A; Andersson, A-M; Becher, G; van den Berg, M; Blumberg, B; Bjerregaard, P; Bornehag, C-G; Bornman, R; Brandt, I; Brian, JV; Casey, SC; Fowler, PA; Frouin, H; Giudice, LC; Iguchi, T; Hass, U; Jobling, S; Juul, A; Kidd, KA; Kortenkamp, A; Lind, M; Martin, OV; Muir, D; Ochieng, R; Olea, N; Norrgren, L; Ropstad, E; Ross, PS; Ruden, C; Scheringer, M; Skakkebaek, NE; Soder, O; Sonnenschein, C; Soto, A; Swan, S; Toppari, J; Tyler, CR; Vandenberg, LN; Vinggaard, AM; Wiberg, K; Zoeller, RT
2001Sexual disruption in a second species of wild cyprinid fish (gudgeon, Gobio gobio) in United Kingdom freshwatersAerle, RV; Nolan, M; Jobling, S; Christiansen, LB; Sumpter, JP; Tyler, CR