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Title: Alternative routes to good jobs in the service economy: Employment restructuring and human resource management in incumbent telecommunications firms
Authors: Doellgast, V
Sarmiento-Mirwaldt, K
Benassi, C
Keywords: Organizational restructuring;Employment outcomes;Telecommunications firms
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Council
Citation: Final project report, ESRC Grant RES-061-25-0444, (July 2013)
Abstract: This is a practitioner report detailing findings from a three-year study on organizational restructuring and employment outcomes at 10 incumbent telecommunications firms, supported by the Economic and Social Research Council. It presents background on markets, ownership, and institutions in the case study firms and countries, and compares restructuring policies in three areas: downsizing and employment adjustment; diversifying employment contracts; and work organization and human resource Management. The report concludes with policy recommendations, based on findings from the study.
Appears in Collections:Brunel Law School Research Papers

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