Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
28-Nov-2020 | Management accountants and strategic management accounting: The role of organizational culture and information systems | Hadid, W; Al-Sayed, M |
2020 | Director’s network, governance bundles and cash holding in foreign cross listed companies | Kaur, Jaskaran |
29-Mar-2019 | Experimental Study on the Influences of Air Flow in an Integral Hydrocarbon Display Cabinet to its Temperature and Energy Performances | Suamir, IN; Arsana, ME; Tsamos, KM |
2019 | Unmasking the dichoptic mask | Jennings, BJ; Kingdom, FAA |
3-May-2018 | Simulation based optimization of energy efficiency in data centre operations | Lee, H; Choi, Y; Bahja, M; Suh, C |
1-Jun-2017 | Strategic Accumulation of Patents in the Pharmaceutical Industry and Patent Thickets in Complex Technologies – Two Different Concepts Sharing Similar Features | Gurgula, O |
2018 | Relationship between BMI and emotion-handling capacity in an adult Finnish population: the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 | Ramzi, NH; Yiorkas, A; Sebert, S; Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, S; Ala-Mursulu, L; Jokelainen, J; Veijola, J; Avinen, J; Miettunen, J; Dovey, T; Jarvelin, M-R; Blakemore, A |
- | Cinsellik ve Emek: Butler ve Bourdieu ile kazanımların kırılganlığını ve direnişi sorgulamak | Ozbilgin, M |
2013 | Fighting the Mau Mau: The British Army and Counter-Insurgency in the Kenya Emergency | Hughes, M |
2012 | Integrating the results of user research into medical device development: insights from a case study | Martin, JL; Barnett, J |
10-Oct-2013 | The contradictory consequences of regulation: The influence of filing abbreviated accounts on UK small company performance | Kitching, J; Kašperová, E; Collis, J |
2014 | The sovereign spread in Asian emerging economies: The significance of external versus internal factors | Banerji, S; Ventouri, A; Wang, Z |
2009 | An artifact based approach to the accounting recognition of assets, particularly intangible assets | El-Tawy, N; Tollington, T |
2009 | Exploring some standard-setters’ views in respect of asset recognition | El-Tawy, N; Tollington, T |
2004 | Women and children first? Child abuse and child protection in sport | Brackenridge, CH |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15