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Title: Feelings of discontent and the promise of middle range theory for STS: Examples from technology dynamics
Authors: Geels, FW
Keywords: Technology dynamics • Mechanisms • Expectations • Emerging trajectories • Sociotechnical transitions
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Citation: Science, Technology & Human Values, 32(6): 627-651, Nov 2007
Abstract: This article critically discusses the state of STS, expressing feelings of discontent regarding four aspects: policy relevance, conceptual language, too much focus on complexity, theoretical styles. Middle range theory is proposed as an alternative, promising avenue. Middle range theories focus on delimited topics, make explicit efforts to combine concepts, and search for abstracted patterns and explanatory mechanisms. The article presents achievements in that direction for technology dynamics, particularly with regard to the role of expectations, niche theory and radical innovation, and the multi-level perspective on sociotechnical transitions.
Appears in Collections:Business and Management
Brunel Business School Research Papers

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