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Results 1-10 of 433 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-May-2020Hot deformation behavior and constitutive modelling of low carbon micro-alloyed steel YQ450NQR1 during isothermal compressionDou, K; Liu, Q
21-Oct-2020Thermomechanical Processing Map in Retaining {100}// ND texture via Strain-Induced Boundary Migration Recrystallization MechanismJi, M; Davis, C; Slater, C
2020Evolution of Non-Metallic Inclusions Through Processing in Ti-V Microalloyed 316L and Al-V Microalloyed 17-4PH Stainless Steels for Hipping ApplicationsBalart, M; Hao, X; Marks, S; West, GD; Walker, M; Davis, CL
2020Structure refinement upon ultrasonic melt treatment in a DC-casting launderSubroto, T; Eskin, DG; Beckwith, C; Skalicky, I; Roberts, D; Tzanakis, I; Pericleous, K
12-Aug-2020Numerical Assessment of In-line Rotor-Stator Mixers in High-Shear Melt Conditioning (HSMC) TechnologyLebon, B; Lazaro-Nebrada, J; Patel, J; Fan, Z
31-Aug-2020Fe-Rich Intermetallic Formation and Mechanical Properties of Recycled AA6111 Alloy Strips Produced by Melt Conditioning Twin Roll CastingAl-Helal, K; Patel, JB; Fan, Z
2020A study of the bonding of aluminium alloys to mild steel prepared by an overcasting processValizadeh, Alireza
2021Experimental and theoretical investigation of a radiative heat pipe ceiling for uniform cooling and heat recovery in a ceramic roller hearth kilnDelpech, Bertrand
14-Oct-2020Association of urinary bisphenols during pregnancy with maternal, cord blood and childhood thyroid functionDerakhshan, A; Philips, EM; Ghassabian, A; Santos, S; Asimakopoulos, AG; Kannan, K; Kortenkamp, A; Jaddoe, VWV; Trasande, L; Peeters, RP; Korevaar, TIM
2021Interfacial interaction and prenucleation at liquid-Al/γ-Al2O3{1 1 1} interfacesFang, C; Yasmin, S; Fan, Z