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Title: Ultra-Wideband High-Efficiency Dual-Polarized Conformal Phase Array for Wireless Power Transfer
Authors: Chen, Z
Hu, W
Wang, X
Gao, Y
Wen, L
Keywords: conformal array;common-mode resonance;high efficiency;ultra-wideband;wireless power transfer
Issue Date: 4-Apr-2024
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Citation: Chen, Z. et al. (2024) 'Ultra-Wideband High-Efficiency Dual-Polarized Conformal Phase Array for Wireless Power Transfer', IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 0 (early access), pp. 1 - 5. doi: 10.1109/LAWP.2024.3385275.
Abstract: In this letter, a novel methodology to remove the common-mode resonance of tightly coupled arrays using two-set unit cell and conformal operation is presented, whereby the ultra-wideband dual-polarized conformal phase array is developed with high efficiency for wireless power transfer applications. Initially, a design method to shift the common-mode resonance of a tightly coupled array outside of the operating band using two-set unit cell and conformal operation is described, and a dual-polarized two-set unit cell of infinite array is proposed with ultra-wideband operation. Subsequently, the 8 × 8 dual-polarized two-set unit cells are designed to conform a cylindrical surface with a radius of 200 mm (1.3λ), resulting in a cylindrical-conformal tightly coupled array. Ultimately, an experimental prototype of the obtained conformal array was manufactured and measured. It achieves an operated bandwidth of 2.2∼12.4 GHz (5.6:1) with active VSWRs < 3.0 within ±60° scanning range in E-/H-planes and the average efficiency > 70% for dual-polarized operation. The good correspondence between the measured results and the simulated results illustrates the feasibility of the presented conformal array. Such a balanced high-performance conformal phase array provides a perfect solution for wireless power transfer systems of various maneuverable platforms.
ISSN: 1536-1225
Other Identifiers: ORCiD: Zhan Chen
ORCiD: Yuchen Gao
ORCiD: Lehu Wen
Appears in Collections:Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Research Papers

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